Sunday, March 23, 2008

Music for Easter-1-A (Mar 23) Easter Day

Prelude: Organ Symphony IV in F (op 13 no 4) Andante Cantabile: Widor
Processional Hymn: 266: The Strife Is O'er
Kyrie: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Gloria: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Readings: 551
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: 264: Alleluia Alleluia Give Thanks
(11) O death...But thanks: Handel
Sanctus/Mem/Amen: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Agnus Dei: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Communion Hymn: 263: That Easter Day With Joy Was Bright
265: Regina Caeli
Final Hymn: 261: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
Postlude: Organ Symphony IV in F (op 13 no 4) Finale: Widor

Music Notes:

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper):
Pasca nostrum immolatus est Christus, alleluia: itaque
epulemur in azymis sinceritatis et veritatis, alleluia,
alleluia, alleluia (Christ, our Pascal Lamb, has been
sacrificed, alleluia; therefore, let us keep the feast
by sharing the unleavened bread of uprightness and truth,
alleluia, alleluia, alleluia).

Charles Marie Widor (1844-1937), born in Lyon France,
lived in Paris and worked as St Sulpice organist (1870-1934)
and Conservatory professor (organ 1890–, composition 1896-);
wrote operas and songs, orchestral and chamber music; famed
for his ten organ symphonies which followed the orchestral
symphony multi-movement plan and explored the many tonal
possibilities of the St Sulpice organ (finished 1863 by
Cavaille-Coll, mechanically advanced, largest of the time,
5 manuals, 102 stops). Organ Symphony IV in F (opus 13 no 4,
1887) is in six movements: the third is our Prelude and the
sixth is our Postlude.

Thank you to our Choir for their dedication to their ministry
this past week: Director (Ondine Young); Sopranos (Mary Bulkley,
Virginia Cooke, Gina DeLucchi, Betty DeOrian [cantor], Mary Peters,
Rosetta Solari); Altos (Norma Hernandez, Susan Hernandez [cantor],
Roddy Raikow, Sarah Roske, Shirley Siljeg, Allison Villarante);
Tenors (Jordan Fong, Chang Hyun Robin Lee [cantor], Matthew McGuire,
Michael Torres); Basses (Richard Mix [cantor], William Skeen).

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