Monday, December 31, 2007

Parish Chant Status: Familiar Ordinaries

As of today the parish is familiar with the following Chant Ordinaries:

Missa VIII de angelis (kyrie, gloria, sanctus, agnus)
Missa XI orbis factor (kyrie, sanctus, agnus)
Missa XVII salve (kyrie, sanctus, agnus)
Missa XVIII simplex/primitiva (sanctus, agnus)

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Music for Christmas-1-A (Dec 30) Holy Family

Readings:          493

Prelude: Puer nobis nascitur: Lebegue
Processional Hymn: 211: Of The Father's Love Begotten
Kyrie: spoken
Gloria: Gloria de Lourdes: Lecot/Berry
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: 221: What Child Is This
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass Of Creation: Haugen
(11) Missa XVII (kyrie salve): chant
Agnus Dei: Missa XVII (kyrie salve): chant
Communion Hymn: 222: What Star Is This
Final Hymn: 417: Sing Of Mary
Postlude: Les Cloches: Lebegue
Music Notes:

Thank you to our parishioners and guests who have supported
the liturgical and concert music during the past year through
donations and attendance.

Thank you to all who led the music during the recent liturgical
seasons (Ordinary Time [Summer, Autumn], Advent, Christmas):
Director (Ondine Young), Sopranos
(Mary Bulkley, Virginia Cooke, Gina DeLucchi, Betty DeOrian
[cantor], Norma Hernandez, Mary Peters, Rosetta Solari), Altos
(Susan Hernandez [cantor], Roddy Raikow, Sarah Roske, Shirley Siljeg,
Allison Villarante), Tenors (Jordan Fong, Chang Hyun "Robin" Lee
[cantor], Matthew McGuire, Michael Torres), Basses (Richard Mix
[cantor], William Skeen), School Choir (Rebecca Monson).

We invite new choir members, especially men! We have a strong
tenor and bass to lead you. NOW is the time to join to build your
confidence and skill. Weekly rehearsals are in the church:
Thursday at 7 pm, Sunday at 10 am.

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper):
Tolle puerum et matrem eius, et vade in terram Israel:
defuncti sunt enim, qui quaerebant animam pueri (Take the
child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel; for
those who sought the child's life are dead).

Nicholas-Antoine Lebegue (1630-1702), organist to Louis XIV,
and organist at Saint-Merry (Paris), was also a harpsichordist.
"Puer nobis nascitur" (A child is born for us) and "Les Cloches"
(The Bells) are from Book Three of his three volumes of organ music.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Music for Christmas-0-A (Dec 25) Dawn and Day

Readings:   xxx

Prelude: xxx
Processional Hymn: xxx
Postlude: xxx

Monday, December 24, 2007

Music for Christmas-0-A (Dec 24) Midnight

11:30 pm Concert at the Crib

12:00 mm Midnight Mass

Music for Christmas-0-A (Dec 24) Vigil

Readings:          xxx

Prelude: Oh Holy Night
I Wonder As I Wander
Processional Hymn: Go Tell It On The Mountain
Kyrie: -none-
Gloria: Gloria: Anderson
Psalm: p 19 "__"
Gospel Acc: "__"
Offertory: Christus Natus Hodie
Communion: Away In A Manger
Post-Com: Silent Night
Final Hymn: Angels We Have Heard On High

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Music for Advent-4-A (Dec 23)

Readings:          486

Prelude: Nun Komm, der Heiden Heiland: Bach
Processional Hymn: 200: Savior Of The Nations Come
Kyrie: Missa XVII (kyrie salve): chant
Gloria: -none-during-Advent-
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: 195: Creator Of The Stars Of Night
(11) How beautiful...break forth: Handel
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass Of Creation: Haugen
(11) Missa XVII (kyrie salve): chant
Agnus Dei: Missa XVII (kyrie salve): chant
Communion Hymn: 217: Lo How A Rose
Final Hymn: 190: O Come O Come Emmanuel (v=4,5,6,7)
Postlude: Herr Christ, der ein'ge Gottes Sohn: Bach
Music Notes:

Readings are found in the hymnal under the headings
"Sunday A" and "Weekday 2".

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper):
Ecce virgo concipiet, et patrist filium: et vocabitur nomen
eius Emmanuel (Behold, a Virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
and his name shall be called Emmanuel).

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) planned a set of 164
chorale preludes which included a set of four for Advent;
"Nun Komm, der Heiden Heiland" (BWV 599) is the German equivalent
of our Processional Hymn (#200). "Herr Christ, der ein’ge Gottes
Sohn" (BWV 601) is a charming setting of a melody for the text:
"O Thou, of God the Father, / The true Eternal Son, / Of whom
'tis surely written, / That Thou with Him art one; / Thou art the
bright and morning star, / Beyond all other radiance / Thy
glory streams afar."

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Music for Advent-3-A (Dec 16) Gaudete

Readings:          483

Prelude: Messiah "Sinfonia": Handel
Processional Hymn: 288: The King Of Glory Comes
(830 Introit Proper)
Kyrie: Missa XVII (kyrie salve): chant
Gloria: -none-during-Advent-
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: (5) Messiah "O thou that tellest": Handel
(830) 288: The King Of Glory Comes
(11) Amekuja Mwokosi
Acclamations: Missa XVII (kyrie salve): chant
Agnus Dei: Missa XVII (kyrie salve): chant
Communion Hymn: 198: Come O Long Expected Jesus
Final Hymn: 6: Now Bless The God Of Israel
Postlude: Messiah "Pifa": Handel
Music Notes:

Readings are found in the hymnal under the headings
"Sunday A" and "Weekday 2".

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper):
Dicite: Pusillanimes confortamini, et nolite timere; ecce
Deus noster veniet, et salvabit nos (Say: "Take courage,
you who are fainthearted, and do not fear; behold, our God
will come and he will save us").

Georg Friedrich Haendel (1685-1759) was born in Halle Germany,
and started his music lessons at age 7. In 1702 the death-bed wish
of his barber-surgeon father obligated him to divert his attention
to law school; within a year he dropped out and went to Hamburg
as a violinist and composer. In 1706 he went to Italy and became
a master of its opera, chamber, vocal music; in 1710 he returned
to Germany and was appointed Kappellmeister to the Elector of Hanover,
and made a brief visit to England. In 1712 he again went to England;
his visit became permanent as the Elector became George I of England.
His oratorio "Messiah" (Dublin 1742) has 53 movements; "Sinfonia" is
the overture; "Pifa" (pan-pipes) suggests the pastoral scene just
before the angels announce the birth of Jesus.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Music for Advent-2-A (Dec 9)

Readings:          480

Prelude: Conditor alme siderum: Dupre
Processional Hymn: (5) Stay Awake Be Ready
184: On Jordan's Bank
Kyrie: Missa XVII (kyrie salve): chant
Gloria: -none-during-Advent-
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: 191: People Look East
(11) And the glory of the Lord: Handel
Acclamations: Missa XVII (kyrie salve): chant
Agnus Dei: Missa XVII (kyrie salve): chant
Communion Hymn: 197: My Soul In Stillness Waits
(5)(gr2+3) Oh Lord my heart is not proud
Final Hymn: 193: The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns
Postlude: Reveillez-vous, la voix des veillerus: Dupre
Music Notes:

Readings are found in the hymnal under the headings "Sunday A"
and "Weekday 2".

This is the weekend after First Friday. Saturday 5 pm Vigil Mass:
Lectors are from Grade 2 and Grade 3; Music is led by the School Choir
(directed by Rebecca Monson).

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper): Ierusalem
surge, et sta in excelso; et vide iucunditatem, quae veniet tibi a deo
tuo (Arise O Jerusalem, and stand on high; and behold the joy that shall
come to you from your God).

Marcel Dupre (1886-1971) spent much of his life at the Paris
Conservatoire: as student (1902-14) under Guilmant, Vierne, Widor;
as Professor of organ (1926-54); as Director (1954-56). He was also
at St Sulpice: as assistant organist (1906-34) to C M Widor, then
titulaire (1934-71).

"Conditor alme siderum" is the first of his "Sixteen Chorales"
(1942, opus 38).

"Reveillez-vous, la voix des veillerus" is one of his
"Seventy-nine Chorales" (1931, opus 28) which were composed during
the Summer months and dedicated to banker Gustave Ogier, who was
an aspiring organist. This tune is known in German as "Wachet auf,
ruft uns die Stimme" and in English as "Sleepers wake".

Friday, December 7, 2007

Concert "A Messiah Sampler"

First Friday Concerts
December 7, 2007
11:15 am

A Messiah Sampler

Festival Choir

xxx...Handel ()

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Music for Advent-1-A (Dec 2) Sunday A, Weekday 2

Prelude: Conditor alme siderum (verset 1): Titelouze
Processional Hymn: 195: Creator Of The Stars Of Night
Kyrie: Missa XVII (kyrie salve): chant
Gloria: -none-during-Advent-
Readings: 477
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: 196: O Come Divine Messiah
(11) O thou that tellest: Handel
Acclamations: Missa XVII (kyrie salve): chant
Agnus Dei: Missa XVII (kyrie salve): chant
Communion Hymn: 199: Wait For The Lord
Final Hymn: 190: O Come O Come Emmanuel
Postlude: Conditor alme siderum (verset 3): Titelouze

Music Notes:

Happy Liturgical New Year to all! The New Church Year begins
this weekend, and for the next twelve months our Scripture texts
will be found in the Hymnals under the headings "Sunday A" and
"Weekday 2". We begin the eighth year of use of the Catholic
Community Hymnal (blessed and distributed Dec 2000).

During Advent, our Introductory Rite is noticeably more penitential:
the Kyrie becomes more prominent as we set aside the Gloria except for
feast days (Dec 8 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, Dec 12 Feast of
Our Lady of Guadalupe).

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper): Dominus
dabit benignitatem; et terra nostra dabit fructum suum (The Lord will
bestow his loving kindness; and our land will yield its fruit).

Jean Titelouze (1563-1633) at a young age became organist at the
cathedral in Rouen France, and remained there the rest of his life.
Among his many compositions are three versets on the melody of "Conditor
alme siderum" (see Hymnal 195); the prelude and postlude this weekend
are his first and third versets (first with melody in pedals, third with
melody hidden among other notes in manuals and pedals).

Friday, November 30, 2007

USCCB Ordo 2008

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Music for OT-34-C (Nov 25) Christ The King

Prelude: Cantique: Elgar
Processional Hymn: 283: Crown Him With Many Crowns
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: Gloria de Lourdes: Lecot/Berry
Readings: 679
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 285: All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name
(11) Lift up your heads: Handel
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Agnus Dei: 108: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Communion Hymn: 344: Shepherd Me O God
Final Hymn: 287: To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King
Postlude: Imperial March: Elgar

Music Notes:

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper):
Sedebit Dominus Rex in aeternum; Dominus benedicet populo
suo in pace (The Lord will sit on his royal throne for ever;
the Lord will bless his people in peace).

This weekend we conclude the liturgical year and complete
the seventh year of use of our hymnals (blessed and distributed
Dec 2000 (Advent-1)). Our weekend use statistics for this year:
294 hymns (#190 through #475 plus 8 on rear cover), 149 used
(101 one time, 35 two times, 13 three-or-more times); hymns are
selected to highlight seasonal themes, scripture verses,
Propers of the day.

Sir Edward William Elgar (1857-1934), born in Broadheath
England; had a few music lessons with his father [music shop
keeper in Worcester, organist (1846-85) at St George Catholic
Church] but was mostly self-taught (violinist, bassoonist,
conductor); succeeded his father as organist (1885-88). Slowly
his reputation spread; "Enigma Variations (1899)" launched his
international fame; Knight (1904); Order of Merit (1911); succeeded
Sir Walter Parratt as Master of the King's Musick (1924); Baronet
(1931). Wrote songs, oratorios, cantatas, symphonies, overtures,
concertos, marches, chamber music.

"Cantique (op 3 no 1, 1912)" is his organ arrangement of his
Intermezzo #1 (adagio) for Wind Quintet (1879).

"Imperial March (Opus 32, 1897)" for orchestra was composed
for the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria (1819-r1837-1901) at
whose death it was said had a worldwide empire on which the sun
never set; it was arranged for organ by Sir George Clement Martin
(1844-1916) who in 1888 succeeded Sir John Stainer (1840-1901)
as organist of Saint Paul Cathedral.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Music for OT-33-C (Nov 22) Thanksgiving Day

Prelude: Prelude in F: Thayer
Processional Hymn: 320: Come Ye Thankful People Come
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: Gloria de Lourdes: Lecot/Berry
Readings: 771 (weekday 1)
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: Thou visitest the earth: Greene
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Agnus Dei: 108: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Communion Hymn: 258: There Is A Balm In Gilead
Final Hymn: 474: America The Beautiful
Postlude: Festival Postlude in G: Thayer

Music Notes:

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Music for OT-33-C (Nov 18)

Prelude: Voluntary in C (set 1 no 1): Stanley
Processional Hymn: 338: How Can I Keep From Singing
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: (5) Glory Be: Landry
Gloria de Lourdes: Lecot/Berry
Readings: 676
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: (5) Canticle of the Turning
345: How Firm A Foundation
(11) And he shall purify: Handel
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Agnus Dei: 108: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Communion Hymn: 433: One Bread One Body
Final Hymn: 307: Sing A New Song To The Lord
Postlude: Voluntary in G (set 1 no 3): Stanley

Music Notes:
The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant): Amen dico
vobis, quidquid orantes petitis, credite quia accipietis, et fiet
vobis (Amen I say to you, whatever you ask in your prayers,
believe that you shall receive it, and it shall be granted unto you).

This weekend at the Saturday Vigil Mass the Music is led
by the School Choir (directed by Rebecca Monson).

John Stanley (1713-1786), born in London, wrote much music,
including three sets of Ten Voluntaries which, when published,
made him the most influential composer of the form, and the format
was often imitated by his contemporaries. Many of the pieces indicate
that some phrases are to be "eccho" and therefore both gallery and
antiphonal organ stops will be heard in alternation.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Music for OT-32-C (Nov 11)

Prelude: Voluntary in D (set 2 no 6): Stanley
Processional Hymn: 259: I Know That My Redeemer Lives
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: Gloria de Lourdes: Lecot/Berry
Readings: 673
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 363: Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation
(11) In paradisum: Faure
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Agnus Dei: 108: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Communion Hymn: 849: The King Of Love My Shepherd Is
Final Hymn: 262: Sing With All The Saints In Glory
Postlude: Voluntary in F (set 2 no 4): Stanley

Music Notes:

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant): Dominus regit me,
et nihil mihi deerit; in loco pascuae ibi me collocavit; super aquam
refectionis educavit me (The Lord is my shepherd and I shall want
nothing; he has set me in a land of abundant pastures;
he has led me to life-renewing waters).

Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924) born in Pamiers France, studied in Paris
at Ecole Niedermeyer (a school which prepared church organists and choir
directors); 1871 Saint-Sulpice assistant organist for choir; 1874 Eglise
de la Madeleine (Church of St Mary Magdalene) deputy organist, later
choirmaster; 1892 provincial music conservatory inspector; 1896 Madeleine
titulaire (chief organist); Paris Conservatory composition instructor;
1905 Paris Conservatory director; 1920 retired; foremost French composer
of his generation, and his musical style (harmonic and melodic language)
influenced many 20th century composers.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Music for OT-31-C (Nov 4)

Prelude: Voluntary in F (set 3 no 6): Stanley
Processional Hymn: (5) Saints Of God
444: Alleluia Sing To Jesus
Kyrie: -spoken-
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Gloria: (5) Glory Be: Landry
Gloria de Lourdes: Lecot/Berry
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Readings: 670
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 466: The Master Came To Bring Good News
(11) Benedic anima mea dominum: Lassus
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Agnus Dei: 187: Agnus Dei: chant
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Communion Hymn: 449: I Am The Bread Of Life
Final Hymn: (5) 295: We Are The Light Of The World
309: Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee
Postlude: Voluntary in G (set 3 no 9): Stanley

Music Notes:

This is the weekend after First Friday. Saturday 5 pm Vigil
Mass: Lectors are from Grade 5 and the Music is led by the School
Choir (directed by Rebecca Monson). Sunday 11 am Mass: our chant
setting is Missa VIII (de angelis).

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant): Notas mihi fecisti
vias vitae; adimplebis me laetitia cum vultu tuo, Domine (You have made
known unto me the ways of life; you will fill me with joy at the sight
of your countenance, O Lord).

Friday, November 2, 2007

All Souls

Not a holy day of obligation, but everyone comes to Mass.


1 Cor 3

Rev 21:27

Eucharistic Prayer "... xxx ..."
which dead need our prayers?
souls in Heaven do not need our prayers
souls in Hell cannot benefit from our prayers
souls in Purgatory are the only ones left

P.S. Other scriptures
Psalm 30

Concert "___"

First Friday Concert
Nov 2, 2007
11:15 am


Sunday, October 28, 2007

Music for OT-30-C (Oct 28)

Prelude: Voluntary (Set 3 # 5) in D: Stanley
Processional Hymn: 403: Gather Us In
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 94: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Readings: 667
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 367: Tis The Gift To Be Simple
(11) A More Excellent Way: Callaway
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Agnus Dei: 108: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Communion Hymn: 27: The Cry Of The Poor
Final Hymn: 306: Holy God We Praise Thy Name
Postlude: Voluntary (Set 3 # 10) in F: Stanley

Music Notes:

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant: Laetabimur
in salutari tuo: et in nomine Domini Dei nostri magnificabimur)
translated (We shall rejoice in your salvation; and in the name
of the Lord our God shall we place our pride).

At 11 am Mass, the choir sings a setting of First Corinthians
13:1-10,13 (If I speak with the tongues of angels but have not love,
I have become as a gong or a crashing cymbal...So faith, hope and
love abide, these three. But the greatest of these is love.).

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Music for OT-29-C (Oct 21)

Prelude: Canon in D: Pachelbel
Processional Hymn: (5) 280: Come Now Almighty King
310: Sing Praise To God Who Reigns Above
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: (5) Glory Be: Landry
94: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Readings: 664
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: (5) Lead me Lord: John D Becker
(11) Let us break their bonds: Handel
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Agnus Dei: 108: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Communion Hymn: 453: I Received The Living God
Final Hymn: (5) 385: If You Believe And I Believe (2x)
374: Go Make Of All Disciples
Postlude: Chromatic Fugue: Pachelbel

Music Notes:

This weekend at the Saturday 5 pm Vigil Mass the Music is led
by the School Choir (directed by Rebecca Monson).

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant:
Domine Dominus noster, quam admirabile est
nomen tuum in universa terra!) translated: O Lord our governor,
how admirable is your name in all the earth!

At the First Friday Concert in November (month of the Holy Souls),
we have occasionally presented special music of merit to accompany
the period of Adoration, meditation, and prayer. This year we offer:
First Friday, November 2, 2007, at 11:15 am
Gabriel Faure "Requiem"
choir, organ, violin

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Music for OT-28-C (Oct 14)

Prelude: Jig: Selby
Processional Hymn: 305: Praise To The Lord The Almighty
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 94: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Readings: 661
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 358: There Is A Balm In Gilead
(11) Their sound is gone out: Handel
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Agnus Dei: 108: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Communion Hymn: 368: Keep In Mind
Final Hymn: 321: Now Thank We All Our God
Postlude: Fugue or Voluntary: Selby

Music Notes:

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant:
Aufer a me opprobrium et contemptum, quia mandata tua
exquisivi, Domine: nam et testimonia tua meditatio mea est)
translated: (Remove from me all scorn and contempt,
for I have kept your commandments; for your law is the
object of my meditations).

William Selby (1738-1798) emigrated from England to
Newport RI (1771/4?), went to Boston MA (1776/7?),
became organist at present-day King's Chapel and composed
music, became a storekeeper during the Revolutionary War,
resumed organist duties (1783), became active as impressario
and teacher. Among his achievements is one of the first
Sacred Concerts ever to be given in Boston.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Music for OT-27-C (Oct 7)

Prelude: Allegretto (op 22 no 2): Niels W Gade
Processional Hymn: 392: Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace
Kyrie: -spoken-
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Gloria: (5) Glory Be: Landry
94: Mass of Creation: Haugen
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant (Hymnal 161)
Readings: 658
Intercessions: spoken
Offertory: (5) OCP: Everyday God
328: We Walk By Faith
(11) Locus iste: Bruckner
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Agnus Dei: Agnus Dei: chant
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Communion Hymn: (5) 336: On Eagle's Wings
377: The Love Of The Lord
Final Hymn: (5) WP-70: I will call upon the Lord
331: A Living Faith (Faith Of Our Fathers)
Postlude: Moderato (op 22 no 1): Niels W Gade

Music Notes:

This is the weekend after First Friday. Saturday 5 pm: Lectors
are from the Seventh Grade and the Music is led by the School Choir
(directed by Rebecca Monson). Sunday 11 am: we sing a chant Ordinary.

The Anniversary of the Dedication of our Church occurs during
the week (11 Oct 1953 by Bp Mitty); in anticipation, the choir sings
the Gradual (Responsorial Psalm) for such a Solemnity set by Anton
Bruckner (Locus iste a Deo factus est, inaestimabile sacramentum,
irreprehensibilis est) translated (This place is the work of God,
a mystery surpassing all comprehension, above all reproach).

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant: In salutari tuo
anima mea, et in verbum tuum speravi: quando facies de persequentibus
me iudicium? iniqui persecuti sunt me, adiuva me, Domine Deus meus)
translated: (My soul aspires after your salvation; I hope in your word;
when will you judge those who persecute me? The wicked are persecuting
me; come to my assistance, O Lord my God).

Friday, October 5, 2007

Concert "___"

First Friday Concert
Oct 5, 2007
11:15 am


Sunday, September 30, 2007

Music for OT-26-C (Sep 30)

Prelude: Prelude in Ab major (opus 21 no 2): Richter
Processional Hymn: 388: God Whose Purpose Is To Kindle
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 94: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Readings: 655
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 338: How Can I Keep From Singing
(11) (p 134) Let all the angels of God: Handel
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Agnus Dei: 108: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Communion Hymn: 387: The Harvest of Justice
Final Hymn: 412: Jerusalem My Happy Home
Postlude: Prelude in C minor (opus 21 no 1): Richter

Music Notes:

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant: Memento verbi
tui servo tuo, Domine in quo mihi spem dedisti: haec me consolata
est in humilitate mea) translated (Be mindful of your word to your
servant, O Lord, in which you caused me to hope; this has been my
comfort in my affliction).

Ernst Friedrich Eduard Richter (1809-1879) born in Grosschonau
Saxony Germany, studied in Zittau at the Gymnasium. In 1831 went to
Leipzig to study music with C T Weinlig (Thomaskirche cantor). In 1843
at Leipzig Conservatory founding, became first teacher (with M Hauptmann)
of theory and composition. In 1847 undertook direction of the Singakademie,
and later held several organist posts (Petrikirche 1851-, Neukirche 1862-,
Nikolaikirche 1862-). In 1868 succeeded Hauptmann as Thomaskirche cantor
and musical director of principal churches in Leipzig; taught organ at
Leipzig Conservatory. Wrote articles (many musical subjects) and textbooks
(harmony, theory, counterpoint). Composed pieces for organ, choir.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Music for OT-25-C (Sep 23)

Prelude: Adagio: Becker
Processional Hymn: 360: Bring Forth The Kingdom
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 94: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Readings: 652
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 335: Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of God
(11) Primum quaerite: Isaac
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Agnus Dei: 108: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Communion Hymn: 376: Two Fishermen
Final Hymn: 405: God Of Day And God Of Darkness
Postlude: Christus, der ist mein Leben: Becker

Music Notes:

This weekend at the 5 pm Vigil Mass, the Music is led
by the School Choir (directed by Rebecca Monson).

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant):
Tu mandasti mandata tua custodiri nimis: utinam dirigantur viae meae,
ad custodiendas iustificationes tuas (You have ordered
that your commandments be kept diligently; O that my ways may be
guided towards the keeping of your statutes).

At Offertory, the Antiphon (Primum quarite regnum Dei,
et omnia adicientur vobis, dicit Dominus) translated "Seek first
the kingdom of God, and all the rest will be given to you in
addition, says the Lord" is alternated with verses from NAB Psalm 37
(Vulgate Psalm 36 v1 Be not emulous of evildoers, nor envy them
that work iniquity. v3 Trust in the Lord and do good and dwell in
the land and thou shalt dwell secure).

Henricus Isaac (c1450-1517) was a Franco-Flemish composer who
lived at Innsbruck and Florence (taught the future Pope Leo X).

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Music for OT-24-C (Sep 16)

Prelude: Arietta: Viner
Processional Hymn: 301: Praise My Soul The King Of Heaven
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 94: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Readings: 649
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 342: Amazing Grace
(11) Amazing grace: _
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Agnus Dei: 108: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Communion Hymn: 357: You Are Mine
Final Hymn: 348: There's A Wideness In God's Mercy
Postlude: Finale: Viner

Music Notes:

The Chant (Graduale Romanum) Communion Antiphon (Dico
vobis, gaudium est angelis Dei super uno peccatore
paenitentiam agente) translated: I say unto you: there is
joy among the Angels of God for one single sinner who repents.

Alan Viner (1951-) born in Gloucester England, began piano
at age 8, and organ at age 13, attended University of Reading
(Honours Degree 1973), Saint Luke's College Exeter (PGCE 1974),
Royal College of Music (ARCM 1976). He was Organist and
Choirmaster (St Mary's Berkeley, St Nicholas's Hardwicke) and
Head/Director of Music at several schools in Hertfordshire,
Gloucester, Shrewsbury. Since 1989 he teaches privately, composes,
accompanies, and since 1997 is member of the Ellesmere College
(Shropshire) peripatetic team.

The "Arietta" presents a pensive melody weaving above and
below independent accompaniment and pedal, while the "Finale"
is a majestic piece of purposeful stride.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Music for OT-23-C (Sep 9)

Prelude: Holberg Suite "Sarabande": Grieg
Processional Hymn: (5) In The Day Of The Lord
423: Lift High The Cross
Kyrie: -spoken-
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Gloria: 94: Mass of Creation: Haugen
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Readings: 646
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 375: The Summons
(11) Sicut cervus: Palestrina
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Agnus Dei: 108: Mass of Creation: Haugen
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Communion Hymn: 27: The Cry Of The Poor
Final Hymn: (5) 297: I Want To Walk As A Child Of The Light
852: At The Name Of Jesus
Postlude: Sigurd Jorsalfar "Hyldningsmarsj": Grieg

Music Notes:

This is the weekend after First Friday. Saturday 5 pm Vigil Mass
Lectors are from the Student Council, and the Music is led by the
School Choir (directed by Rebecca Monson).
Sunday 11 am, our chant Mass setting is Missa VIII ("de angelis").

"Sicut cervus" by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-1594)
sets the English (Missal) Communion Antiphon (Like a deer that longs
for running streams, my soul longs for you, my God. My soul is
thirsting for the living God).

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant):

(Make vows to the Lord your God, and accomplish them, all you who gather
around him to present offerings; to the awesome God who takes away the
life of princes; he is greatly feared by all the kings of the earth).

Friday, September 7, 2007

Concert "___"

First Friday Concert
Sep 7, 2007
11:15 am


Sunday, September 2, 2007

Music for OT-22-C (Sep 2)

Prelude: Avant-propos: Lloyd
Processional Hymn: 403: Gather Us In
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 135: Angels and Saints: Janco
Readings: 643
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 367: Tis The Gift To Be Simple
(11) His yoke is easy: Handel
Acclamations: 140-141-145: Angels and Saints: Janco
Agnus Dei: 146: Angels and Saints: Janco
Communion Hymn: 449: I Am The Bread Of Life
Final Hymn: 425: Ye Watchers And Ye Holy Ones
Postlude: Sortie: Lloyd

Music Notes:

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant):
Domine, memorabor iustitiae
tuae solius: Deus, docuisti me a iuventute mea, et usque
in senectam et senium, Deus, ne derelinquas me
(O Lord, I will be mindful of your justice alone; You have
taught me, O God, from my youth; and so, unto old age and
grey hairs, O God, forsake me not).

The Gospel Acclamation is a Scripture text in Messiah (# 21).

Richard H Lloyd (1933-), born near Manchester England,
attended: Lichfield Cathedral (1942-47 chorister), Rugby School
(music scholar), Jesus College Cambridge (organ scholar).
Held posts at: Salisbury Cathedral (assistant organist),
Hereford Cathedral (organist and master of choristers),
Durham Cathedral (1974-85 organist), Salisbury Cathedral (school).
Now divides his time between examining and composing.
The prelude and postlude bear French titles: Avant-propos ("preface")
is a gentle introspective piece; Sortie ("exit, departure") is
confident and march-like with opportunities for melodic
fragments to be played on the gallery Fanfare Trumpet.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Music for OT-21-C (Aug 26)

Prelude: Andante Moderato: Smart
Processional Hymn: 402: All People That On Earth Do Dwell
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 135: Angels and Saints: Janco
Readings: 640
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 410: Shall We Gather At The River
(11) Shall we gather at the river: Copland
Acclamations: 140-141-145: Angels and Saints: Janco
Agnus Dei: 146: Angels and Saints: Janco
Communion Hymn: 451: Pan De Vida
Final Hymn: 395: In Christ There Is No East Or West
Postlude: Alla Marcia: Adams

Music Notes:

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant):
De fructu operum tuorem, Domine, satiabitur terra:
ut educas panem de terra, et vinum laetificet cor hominis:
ut exhilaret faciem in oleo, et panis cor hominis confirmet
(The earth will be satisfied by the work of your hands, O Lord,
as you bring forth bread from the land
and wine to gladden the heart of man; oil to make his face shine,
and bread to strengthen man's heart).

Thomas Adams (1785-1858) was born in London England, studied
under Thomas Busby, and served as organist at several prominent
London churches [1802 Carlisle Chapel Lambeth, 1814 St Paul Deptford,
1824-58 St George Camberwell, 1833-58 St Dunstan-in-the-West
Fleet Street]. His published organ works include many fugues,
voluntaries, interludes, variations on popular airs [Six Fugues for
the Organ or Piano Forte (1820), Six Organ Pieces (1825)]. He also
wrote variations for piano, anthems, hymns, sacred songs.
He was known for his improvisation skill, and for years was in
charge of performances on the Apollonicon (a 45-stop pipe organ,
playable either by machinery or from several five-manual-and-pedal
consoles, built 1812-17 by Flight and Robson, housed at the Adelaide

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Music for OT-20-C (Aug 19)

Prelude: Aria: Peeters
Processional Hymn: 398: Diverse in Culture Nation Race
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 135: Angels and Saints: Janco
Readings: 637
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 388: God Whose Purpose Is To Kindle
Acclamations: 140-141-145: Angels and Saints: Janco
Agnus Dei: 146: Angels and Saints: Janco
Communion Hymn: 335: Seek Ye First
Final Hymn: 423: Lift High The Cross
Postlude: Festival Voluntary: Peeters

Music Notes:

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant):
Primum quaerite regnum Dei,
et omnia adicientur vobis, dicit Dominus
(Seek first the kingdom of God,
and all the rest will be given to you in addition, says the Lord).

Franciscus Florentinus (Flor) Peeters (1903-1986),
born in Tielen Belgium (near Antwerp), graduated Lemmens
Institute, organist at St Rumoldus Cathedral (Mechelen),
taught at Lemmens Institute and Royal Conservatory (Antwerp).
Composed for keyboard, voice (songs, masses), orchestra,
chamber instruments, using a familiar but rich musical
language and adopting classical forms.

"Aria (1945, opus 51a)"
has a lyrical melody supported by repeated chords;
"Festival Voluntary (1957, opus 87)"
is a joyous piece featuring tonal ambiguity, syncopated
rhythms, chordal fanfares.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Music for OT-19-C (Aug 12)

Prelude: Adagio: Corelli
Processional Hymn: 352: Love Divine All Loves Excelling
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 135: Angels and Saints: Janco
Readings: 634
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 297: I Want To Walk As A Child Of The Light
Acclamations: 140-141-145: Angels and Saints: Janco
Agnus Dei: 146: Angels and Saints: Janco
Communion Hymn: 199: Wait For The Lord
Final Hymn: 852: At The Name Of Jesus
Postlude: Largo: Corelli

Music Notes:

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant):
Beatus servus, quem, cum venerit Dominus, invenerit vigilantem:
amen dico vobis, super omnia bona sua constituet eum
(Blessed is the servant whom the Lord, when he comes,
will find to be vigilant;
truly, I say to you, he will establish him over all his possessions).

Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713) was born in Fusignano
(near Milan) Italy; studied violin and composition in Lugo,
Faenza, Bologna (1666); possibly spent time in France (c1672)
as rival to Jean Baptiste Lully. In Rome (c1675, -1709) at
San Luigi dei Francesi Church, assistant first violin, later
director of violins; in Germany (c1681) worked for Elector of
Bavaria; invited (c1689) to Modena by its duke; admitted (1706)
to Accademia D’Arcadia; met (1707) G F Handel who was playing
organ at St John Lateran; taught violin at Collegio Germanico;
invited (1708) to Naples by king. Had several patrons: exiled
Queen of Sweden Maria Cristina (1679-); Cdl Benedetto Pamphili
(c1687-), Cdl Pietro Ottoboni (c1690-). Wrote trio sonatas,
minor pieces for violin and other instruments, concerto grossi
(precursor to symphony); widely imitated by colleagues/successors
(Vivaldi, Handel, Locatelli, Bach).

Monday, August 6, 2007

Visit-Revisit: Roman Canon (who are those people?)

Rarely do we hear the Eucharistic Prayer I (Roman Canon).
It is too long.
It is repetitious.

Who are all those people?

Even more rarely do we ponder the lives of those mentioned.
Here follows the names and significant biographical data.

... look with favor on these offerings, and accept them as once you accepted the gifts of your servant Abel, the sacrifice of Abraham, our father in faith, and the bread and wine offered by your priest Melchizedek ...
Linus, Cletus, Clement, Sixtus, ...

second child of Adam and Eve, after Cain, before Seth

from Ur, monotheist, married to Sarah,
father of Isaac (who was father of Jacob and Esau)

priest of Salem (JeruSALEM)


see 2 Timothy 4:21
became the second pope

became the third pope

see Philippians 4:3
ordained by St Peter
became the fourth pope

became the seventh pope

pope in 251

Cyprian, Lawrence, Chrysogonus, John and Paul, Cosmas and Damian


and all the saints.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Music for OT-18-C (Aug 5)

Prelude: Prelude in D Major: Thayer
Processional Hymn: 343: O God Our Help In Ages Past
Kyrie: -spoken-
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Gloria: 135: Angels and Saints: Janco
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Readings: 631
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 387: Harvest Of Justice
Acclamations: 140-141-145: Angels and Saints: Janco
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Agnus Dei: 146: Angels and Saints: Janco
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Communion Hymn: 433: One Bread One Body
Final Hymn: 847: Immortal Invisible God Only Wise
Postlude: Allegro Maestoso: Thayer

Music Notes:

This weekend (Sunday after First Friday) at 11 am our Mass
setting will be Missa VIII "de angelis" (chant).

Whitney Eugene Thayer (1838-1889) born in Mendon MA,
studied with John Knowles Paine at Harvard (after 1862),
then two years in Germany; organist of several Boston churches;
faculty member of New England Conservatory (opened 1867);
published a comprehensive course of organ study (5 volumes, 1874);
opened a private organ studio in Boston (1875); edited two
periodicals for organists and choir directors, directed various
musical organizations, composed many pieces for church and
recital use; much in demand as a recitalist in his younger years.
Spent latter part of his life in New York: teaching, composing,
was organist of Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church (1881-86).

Friday, August 3, 2007

Concert "___"

First Friday Concert
Aug 3, 2007
11:15 am


Sunday, July 29, 2007

Music for OT-17-C (Jul 29)

Prelude: Vater unser (BWV 636): Bach
Processional Hymn: 331: Faith Of Our Fathers
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 135: Angels and Saints: Janco
Readings: 628
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 335: Seek Ye First
Acclamations: 140-141-145: Angels and Saints: Janco
Agnus Dei: 146: Angels and Saints: Janco
Communion Hymn: 470: O Lord With Wondrous Mystery
Final Hymn: 310: Sing Praise To God Who Reigns
Postlude: Praeludium und Fuge in e-moll: Bruhns

Music Notes:

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) wrote seven pieces
for organ based on the German hymn-tune "Vater unser im
Himmelreich" (Our Father Who Art In Heaven). The hymn breaks
the Lord's Prayer into sections, each taken in turn as the
first stanza line; the remaining stanza lines are poetic
meditations (e.g., "Our Father in the heaven Who art, /
Who tellest all of us, in heart / Brothers to be, and on
Thee call / And wilt have prayer from one and all, / Grant
that the mouth not only pray, / From deepest heart O help
its way."). BWV 636 is a chorale prelude found in his
Orgelbuchlein (1717).

Nikolaus Bruhns (1665-1697), born in Swabstedt (near Husum)
Schleswig Germany, studied violin and gamba with his uncle
Peter Bruhns, and organ and composition with Dietrich Buxtehude
(1637-1707) who recommended him for a job as violinist and
composer at the Copenhagen court. He later was organist in Husum.
The "Prelude and Fugue" is one of five surviving pieces for
organ, and reflects the influence of his teacher: pedal solos,
crashing cords, bravura passages, zig-zag fugue melodies.
Bach admired Bruhns music. Bach walked 200+ miles to hear
Buxtehude play (1705).

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Music for OT-16-C (Jul 22)

Prelude: Prelude in F: Thayer
Processional Hymn: 343: O God Our Help In Ages Past
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 135: Angels and Saints: Janco
Readings: 625
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 398: Diverse In Culture, Nation, Race
Acclamations: 140-141-145: Angels and Saints: Janco
Agnus Dei: 146: Angels and Saints: Janco
Communion Hymn: 368: Keep In Mind
Final Hymn: 321: Now Thank We All Our God
Postlude: Festival Postlude in G: Thayer

Music Notes:

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant):
Optimam partem elegit sibi Maria,
quae non auferetur ab ea in aeternum
(Mary has chosen for herself the best portion,
which shall never be take away from her).

Whitney Eugene Thayer (1838-1889) born in Mendon MA,
studied with John Knowles Paine at Harvard (after 1862),
then two years in Germany; organist of several Boston churches;
faculty member of New England Conservatory (opened 1867);
published a comprehensive course of organ study (5 volumes,
1874); opened a private organ studio in Boston (1875);
edited two periodicals for organists and choir directors,
directed various musical organizations, composed many pieces
for church and recital use; much in demand as a recitalist
in his younger years. Spent latter part of his life in
New York: teaching, composing, was organist of Fifth Avenue
Presbyterian Church (1881-86).

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Music for OT-15-C (Jul 15)

Prelude: Voluntary # 3 in A minor (Largo): Greene
Processional Hymn: 350: Lord Of All Nations Grant Me Grace
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 135: Angels and Saints: Janco
Readings: 622
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 366: Whatsoever You Do
Acclamations: 140-141-145: Angels and Saints: Janco
Agnus Dei: 146: Angels and Saints: Janco
Communion Hymn: 358: There Is A Balm In Gilead
Final Hymn: 318: Let All Things Now Living
Postlude: Voluntary # 3 in A minor (Andante): Greene

Music Notes:

Maurice Greene (1695-1755) born in London, was a chorister
at St Paul Cathedral; took organ lessons (1710) and became
organist at St Dunstan in the West (1716) then at St Andrew
(1717); appointed Master of the King's Band (1718); published
40 anthems (1743); inherited a large estate (1750) which enabled
him to work on a collection of Cathedral music with publication
in mind but it was left incomplete and finished by William Boyce
(c1710-1779). His "Twelve Voluntaries" were published posthumously
(1799-80) by John Bland. Each of these twelve voluntaries is in
two complementary sections (a slower section followed by a faster

Monday, July 9, 2007

Musicam Sacram on Vatican website

I just visited the Vatican website again.
The document has finally become available.
click Holy See English
click Roman Curia
click Congregations
click Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
scroll to bottom
click Musicam Sacram English

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Music for OT-14-C (Jul 8)

Prelude: Voluntary in A minor: Southard
Processional Hymn: 267: Lord You Give The Great Commission
Kyrie: -spoken-
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Gloria: 135: Angels and Saints: Janco
Readings: 619
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 384: Take Up Your Cross
Acclamations: 140-141-145: Angels and Saints: Janco
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Agnus Dei: 146: Angels and Saints: Janco
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Communion Hymn: 437: Taste And See
Final Hymn: 383: Great Is The Lord
Postlude: Postlude in F (Pedal Study): Southard

Music Notes:

This weekend (Sunday after First Friday) at 11 am our Mass
setting will be Missa VIII "de angelis" (chant).

During July and August weekend Masses: at 5 pm and 8:30 am,
our Cantors continue to lead the music; at 11 am, the Parish Choir
is officially "on holiday" but some members may still be present
as their vacation plans permit. We welcome new members; if you
would like to join, visit with musicians after any Mass! Summer
commitment is Sunday mornings starting at 10 am; in August we
will re-add Thursday evening at 7:30 pm.

Lucien H Southard (1827-1881) born in Sharon VT; moved to
Hartford CT to study at Trinity College, planned to follow in
father's footsteps as physician, was dismissed "for indolence".
Had successful career as composer, performer, music director:
in Boston MA (1846) as public school music supervisor (1851-1858);
in Norfolk VA (1858); in Boston (1860) enlisted in Union Army
(cavalry captain in Army of the Potomac); in Baltimore MD (1868)
as first Director of Peabody Academy of Music (1874 renamed
Peabody Conservatory, now Institute of Johns Hopkins U);
in Boston (1871); in Augusta GA (1875). Edited and compiled several
school music books; composed choral music, organ collections.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Summorum Pontificum


2008-07-07 Anniversary

Friday, July 6, 2007

Concert "___"

First Friday Concert
Jul 6, 2007
11:15 am


Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Independence Day Prayers of the Faithful

For our country,
that we have the courage to share what we have received with all people,
for people who do not live in freedom,
for the conversion of oppressors,

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Music for OT-13-C (Jul 1)

Prelude: Prelude in Db major (opus 19 no 1): Paine
Processional Hymn: 400: God Is Here As We His People
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 135: Angels and Saints: Janco
Readings: 616
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 375: The Summons
Sanctus/Mem/Amen: 140-141-145: Angels and Saints: Janco
Agnus Dei: 146: Angels and Saints: Janco
Communion Hymn: 361: This Is My Body
Final Hymn: 474: America The Beautiful
Postlude: Star Spangled Banner "Fugue" (opus 4): Paine

Music Notes:

John Knowles Paine (1839-1906) born in Portland ME of musical
family (grandfather made musical instruments for the military and
built one of the first church organs in Maine, father kept a music
store in Portland and organized and directed its first band).
Received early musical training in piano, harmony, organ;
1857 debut as organist; 1858 to Berlin Germany to study with Haupt,
Tescher, Wieprecht; frequently gave organ recitals (first critically
acclaimed American organist). 1861 returned to USA, recognised
as a leading American organist; settled in Boston; organist at
Old West Church. Long associated with Harvard U (1861 instructor
of music history, harmony, counterpoint; 1869 honorary MA;
1873 assistant professor; 1875 first American professor of music),
and also taught at Boston U and New England Conservatory of Music.
1890 PhD (Yale). 1896 co-founder of American Guild of Organists.
Composed pieces in every major genre; surviving organ works include
"Star Spangled Banner Concert Variations (July 1861)" with the theme
and five variations (finale is a fugue).

First Friday Concert, July 6, 11:15 am.
Shari Boruvka, piano.
Pieces by Haydn, Smetana, Chopin, Gershwin, Kraus, Knapp.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Music for OT-12-C (Jun 24) Saint John The Baptist

Prelude: Grandioso: Vann
Processional Hymn: 284: Christ Is The King
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 135: Glory To God
(11) Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Readings: vigil 746, day 747
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 6: Now Bless The God Of Israel
(11) Inter natos mulierum: Morales
Acclamations: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Agnus Dei: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Communion Hymn: 467: Remember Your Love
Final Hymn: 424: Ye Watchers And Ye Holy Ones
Postlude: Trumpet Air And Interlude: Vann

Music Notes:

This weekend the Solemnity of the Birth of John The Baptist
supersedes the Sunday Vigil/Day of Ordinary Time (Week 12).

Stanley Vann (1910-) was organist at several English cathedrals
(Leicester, Chelmsford, Peterborough) and composer of motets,
anthems, organ pieces.

Cristobal de Morales (1500-1553) was born in Seville Spain,
received musical education with foremost composers of the time.
Held posts at Avila, Plasencia, Rome (1535-45 as a singer in the
papal choir of Pope Paul III), then returned to Spain. He is
generally considered to be the most influential Spanish composer
before Tomas Luis de Victoria, and focuses on expression and
understandability of the texts. All his compositions are for voice,
and most are sacred (many Masses, 100+ motets, 18 Magnificat,
5+ Lamentations). His motet "Inter natos mulierum" of 1546
sets Matthew 11:11 (Inter natos mulierum non surrexit maior,
Iohanne Baptista, qui viam Domini, praeparavit in heremo)
(Among them that are born of women, there hath not risen a
greater than John the Baptist who prepared the way of the Lord
in the wilderness) and John 1:6 (Fuit homo missus a Deo, cui
momen erat Iohannes) (There was a man sent from God, whose
name was John).

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Music for OT-11-C (Jun 17)

Prelude: Slow March: Shephard
Processional Hymn: 465: Forgive Our Sins As We Forgive
Kyrie: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Gloria: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Readings: 610
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 348: There's A Wideness In God's Mercy
(11) Unam petii: Anerio
Acclamations: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Agnus Dei: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Communion Hymn: 301: Praise My Soul The King Of Heaven
Final Hymn: 312: Sing Of The Lord's Goodness
Postlude: Pastorale: Shephard

Music Notes:

Richard Shephard (1949-), born in England, began his career
in Anglican church music at Gloucester Cathedral as a chorister;
attended Corpus Christi College Cambridge as choral scholar;
has held posts at Salisbury Cathedral, Godolphin School, York
Minster. Received Lambeth Degree (2001 DMus); appointed Fellow
of the Royal School of Church Music (2004). Composes anthems
and liturgical settings for choir, pieces for organ.

Giovanni Francesco Anerio (c1567-1630) born at Narni Italy,
became associated (1583) with the Oratory of St Philip Neri; was
organist (1595) at St Marcello; choirmaster (c1601-03) at St John
Lateran; choirmaster (1609-10) at Verona Cathedral; ordained priest
(1616); choirmaster (1624) to King Sigismund III of Warsaw Poland;
died in Graz Austria while traveling. He was a great Roman master
of polyphony in the late Renaissance, and contributed to the early
development of the oratorio.

Unam petii is a setting of Psalm 25:4 Unam petii a Domino, hanc
requiram: ut inhabitatem in domo Domini omnibus diebus vitae meae
(One thing I have asked of the Lord, this I will seek after:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life).

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Music for OT-10-C (Jun 10) Corpus Christi

Prelude: Adoro te devote: Callahan
Processional Hymn: 256: At The Lambs High Feast We Sing
Kyrie: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Gloria: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Readings: 577
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: 432: Shepherd Of Souls In Love Come Feed Us
(11) Ave verum corpus: Mozart
Acclamations: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Agnus Dei: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Communion Hymn: 850: Adoro Te Devote
Final Hymn: 306: Holy God We Praise Thy Name
Postlude: Pange lingua (v3): Titelouze

Music Notes:

This weekend the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ
supersedes the Sunday Vigil/Day of Ordinary Time (Week 10).

Charles Callahan (1951-), born in Cambridge MA, is a graduate
of the Curtis Institute (Philadelphia) and Catholic University of
America. Former faculty member Middlebury College, Catholic
University, Rollins College. Director (2005-) of Vermont Conservatory
of Music. Prolific composer, author of two books on American organ
building, active as an organ consultant, recitalist, recording artist,
workshop leader throughout USA and Europe. A poetic translation of
"Adoro te devote" can be found in the Hymnal # 850.

Jean Titelouze (1563-1633) at a young age became organist at the
cathedral in Rouen, France, and remained there the rest of his life.
His surviving published (1623) music for organ: versets on twelve hymns,
and eight settings of the Magnificat, one for each mode.
In "Pange lingua (v3)" the tune is played slowly by the feet on the pedals,
while the hands weave harmonies above it on the manuals.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Music for OT-9-C (Jun 3) Trinity

Prelude: Aria: Tambling
Processional Hymn: 280: Come Now Almighty King
Kyrie: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Gloria: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Readings: 574
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: (11) Holy Holy Holy: Tchaikovsky
Acclamations: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Agnus Dei: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Communion Hymn: 278: How Wonderful The Three In One
Final Hymn: 279: O God Almighty Father
Postlude: Tuba Tune: Tambling

Music Notes:

This weekend the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
supersedes the Sunday Vigil/Day of Ordinary Time (Week 9).

Christopher Tambling (1964-) attended (1976-82) Christ's
Hospital School (founded 1552 by King Edward VI) and was
organ scholar at St Peter's College Oxford. In Scotland (1991-),
he was conductor of Perth Symphony Orchestra, Perth city organist,
choirmaster and music director at Trinity College Glenalmond.
In England (1995-), he is Director of Music at Downside School
and Master of the Schola Cantorum of Downside Abbey.

Downside Abbey was founded 1605 by English Benedictines in
Douai France (due to Henry VIII and Reformation) and provided
a school for English gentry; the monks suffered during the
French Revolution; they returned to England, first to Shropshire
(1795), then Downside (1814); community status raised (1899)
from Priory to Abbey; the monks teach and supply priests for
parishes and missions in the area.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Concert "___"

First Friday Concert
Jun 1, 2007
11:15 am


Sunday, May 27, 2007

Music for Easter-8 (May 27) Pentecost

Prelude: Deux strophes sur Veni Creator Spiritus (opus 65): Guilmant
Processional Hymn: 276: Come Holy Ghost
Kyrie: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Gloria: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Readings: vigil 569, day 570
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: 267: Lord You Give The Great Commission
(11) Veni Creator Spiritus: A Soler
Acclamations: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Agnus Dei: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Communion Hymn: 273: Veni Creator Spiritus
265: Regina Caeli
Final Hymn: 369: God's Blessing Sends Us Forth
Postlude: Fete de la Pentecote Offertoire (opus 65): Guilmant

Music Notes:

Felix-Alexandre Guilmant (1837-1911) was born in Boulogne-sur-mer
France to a family of organists and organ builders; began studies
with his father; 1849- St Nicholas sub-organist, College Mariette
student (harmony, counterpoint, fugue, piano, violin, viola);
1853- St Joseph organist; 1857- St Nicholas choirmaster, Boulogne
Conservatory teacher; 1860- Brussels Conservatory student with
Jacques Lemmens; taught privately, gave organ inauguration concerts.
Moved to Paris; 1871-1901 La Trinite organist; 1879-97 Trocadero Palace
recital series popularized organ music of all historical periods and
countries; 1879-1904 concert tours in Europe and USA; 1894- Schola Cantorum
co-founder and teacher (Gregorian chant, counterpoint, organ);
1896- Paris Conservatory organ instructor; 1902- Notre Dame honorary organist.
Composed 400+ pieces (organ, piano, harmonium, solo instruments,
small ensembles, organ and orchestra, solo voice, choir).
The prelude and postlude are based on chant melodies and found in
his "L'organiste Liturgique" (1884)(Opus 65), a ten-volume collection
of pieces intended for liturgical use.

Antonio Soler (1729-1783) was a religious order (Jeronymite) priest
in El Escorial Madrid Spain who prayed, farmed, and wrote over 500 pieces.

With the conclusion of Sunday Vespers (Evening Prayer),
the season of Easter comes to a close. The sunrise-noon-sunset
prayer changes from Regina Caeli to Angelus.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Music for Easter-7 (May 20) Ascension

Prelude: Andante Cantabile: C M Widor
Processional Hymn: 269: Hail The Day That Sees Him Rise
Kyrie: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Gloria: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Readings: 565
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: 330: We Remember How You Loved Us
(11) Veni Creator Spiritus: A Soler
Acclamations: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Agnus Dei: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Communion Hymn: 435: Eat This Bread Drink This Cup
265: Regina Caeli
Final Hymn: 268: A Hymn Of Glory Let Us Sing
Postlude: Festival Postlude: C Harris

Music Notes:

Charles Marie Widor (1844-1937) was organist at St Sulpice (Paris);
Andante Cantabile (Opus 13 no 4 mvmt 4) is from Organ Symphony IV (1887).

Antonio Soler (1729-1783) was a priest in El Escorial Madrid Spain
who prayed, farmed, and wrote over 500 pieces.

Cuthbert Harris (1856-1932) was an English organist who wrote pieces for
organ, piano, voice; and a book to prepare students for Fellowship status
in the Royal College of Organists.

Saint David of Wales Festival Choir
Contra Costa Chorale and Kensington Symphony
A Dvorak "My Homeland"
R V Williams "In Windsor Forest"
W A Mozart "Coronation Mass in C"
H Praetorius "Omnium Oculi"
M A Charpentier "Regina Caeli"

Sat May 19 @ 7:30 pm
Unitarian Church
1 Lawson Road
Kensington 94707

Sun May 20 @ 3 pm
Lafayette-Orinda Presbyterian Church
49 Knox Drive
Lafayette 94549

Advance Tickets: $10 each from choir/cantors after Mass
At door: $15/adult, $12/seniors/students/disabled

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Music for Easter-6 (May 13)

Prelude: Voluntary in G: Smart
Processional Hymn: 269: Hail The Day That Sees Him Rise
Kyrie: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Gloria: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Readings: 564
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: 428: O Breathe On Me O Breath Of God
(11) Regina Caeli: Charpentier
Acclamations: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Agnus Dei: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Communion Hymn: 441: Take And Eat
265: Regina Caeli
Final Hymn: 420: O Most Virtuous
Postlude: Postlude in C: Smart

Music Notes:

Henry Smart (1813-1879) was a blind English organist
who dictated his compositions to his daughter.

Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704) was a French
composer of sacred and secular music.

Saint David of Wales Festival Choir
Contra Costa Chorale and Kensington Symphony
A Dvorak "My Homeland"
R V Williams "In Windsor Forest"
W A Mozart "Coronation Mass in C"
H Praetorius "Omnium Oculi"
M A Charpentier "Regina Caeli"

Sat May 19 @ 7:30 pm
Unitarian Church
1 Lawson Road
Kensington 94707

Sun May 20 @ 3 pm
Lafayette-Orinda Presbyterian Church
49 Knox Drive
Lafayette 94549

Advance Tickets: $10 each from choir/cantors after Mass
At door: $15/adult, $12/seniors/students/disabled

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Music for Easter-5 (May 6)

Prelude: Magnificat verset 5 "He remembering his mercy": Dupre
Processional Hymn: (5) 421: Immaculate Mary
350: Lord Of All Nations Grant Me Grace
Kyrie: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Gloria: (5) Gloria Gloria: Anderson
Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Readings: 561
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: (5) 414: On This Day O Beautiful Mother
412: Jerusalem My Happy Home
(11) Oculi omnium: Praetorius
Acclamations: (5) Mass of Creation: Haugen
Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Agnus Dei: (5) Mass of Creation: Haugen
Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Communion Hymn: 433: One Bread One Body
265: Regina Caeli
Final Hymn: 417: Sing Of Mary
Postlude: Magnificat verset 6 "Gloria": Dupre

Music Notes:

Saturday at the 5 pm Vigil Mass, the School Choir (directed by Rebecca Monson)
leads Music, and School Grade One are Lectors. Grade One also honors
Our Blessed Mother with a procession of flowers, a procession of symbols,
a Hymn ("Bring Flowers of the Rarest").

Sunday at 11 am, the choir sings a Hieronymous Praetorius (1560-1629)
motet (Psalm 145:15-16) which continues the Responsorial Psalm proper
for today: Oculi omnium in te sperant Domine, et tu das escam illorum
in tempore opportuno. Aperis tu manem tuam, et imples omne animal
benedictione (The eyes of all look hopefully to you O Lord,
and you give them their food in due season.
You open wide your hand, and satisfy the desire of every living thing).

Marcel Dupre (1886-1971) worked at Paris Conservatory (1926-56)
and St Sulpice (1906-71). At Notre Dame (substituting for Louis Vierne),
his 15 Vespers improvisations were heard by Rolls-Royce director
Claude Johnson, who offered 1500 francs and publication by Novello & Co
if they were written out. Dupre did [Fifteen Pieces (Opus 18, 1919)]
and the next year was invited to perform them in England for the
Prince of Wales; this launched the concertizing component of his career.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Concert "___"

First Friday Concert
May 4, 2007
11:15 am


Sunday, April 29, 2007

Music for Easter-4 (Apr 29)

Prelude: Pastorale: Zipoli
Processional Hymn: 402: All People That On Earth Do Dwell
Kyrie: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Gloria: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Readings: 558
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: All' Elevazione II: Zipoli
849: The King Of Love
Acclamations: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Agnus Dei: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Communion Hymn: 429: You Satisfy The Hungry Heart
265: Regina Caeli
Final Hymn: 258: Alleluia Alleluia Let The Holy Anthem Rise
Postlude: All' Offertorio: Zipoli

Music Notes:

Domenico Zipoli (1688-1726) born in Prato Tuscany Italy,
studied in Florence (with cathedral music director) and Naples
(with Allesandro Scarlatti) and Bologna (with Lavinio Vannucci)
and Rome (with Bernardo Pasquini); became a Jesuit novice (1716);
went to Seville Spain to await passage to Argentina (1717, Buenos
Aires and Cordoba); continued his musical activities while
completing his philosophical and theological studies; died (January)
of tuberculosis before ordination. Old World works include oratorios
(only libretti survive), pieces for harpsichord and organ (published
1716); New World works include masses and motets, which have been
found in missions in Argentina, Bolivia, Peru.

"Pastorale" has two rustic shepherd's pipe tunes separated by a dance
tune carried on the wind from a village to the grazing field.

"All' Elevazione II" is the second of two gentle meditations intended for
use during the Eucharistic Prayer.

"All' Offertorio" is quite
exuberant and less easily imagined accompanying the liturgical action
of the 18c Tridentine Latin Mass.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Music for Easter-3 (Apr 22)

Prelude: Voluntary Set 1 No 5 "Slow": Stanley
Processional Hymn: 852: At The Name Of Jesus
Kyrie: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Gloria: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Readings: 555
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: (5) 375: The Summons
256: At The Lamb's High Feast We Sing
Acclamations: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Agnus Dei: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Communion Hymn: 378: Pescador de Hombres
265: Regina Caeli
Final Hymn: 318: Let All Things Now Living
Postlude: Voluntary Set 1 No 5 "Allegro": Stanley

Music Notes:

This weekend at the Saturday 5 pm Vigil Mass, the Music is led
by the School Choir (directed by Rebecca Monson).

John Stanley (1713-1786), born in London England,
wrote much music, including three sets of Ten Voluntaries
which when published made him the most influential composer
of the form, and was often imitated by his contemporaries.
Some phrases of the pieces are marked "eccho" and therefore
Swell manual and Antiphonal manual organ stops will be heard
in alternation, supported by organ stops from the Great manual.

The following concert includes our Tenor Cantor (Chang Hyun "Robin" Lee):
CARMINA BURANA: Songs & Scenes from the Original Medieval Version
(including excerpts from the Greater Passion Play).
Sunday, April 22, 7 pm. Free parking. Free admission.
St Dominic’s Church
2390 Bush Street (between Pierce & Steiner), San Francisco 94115
More info at

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Music for Easter-2 (Apr 15) Divine Mercy

Prelude: Voluntary Set 1 No 1 "Adagio": Stanley
Processional Hymn: 328: We Walk By Faith
Kyrie: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Gloria: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Readings 552 (year C)
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: These things did Thomas: Troeger/Sacred Harp
(11) Stillung Mariae: Callaway
Acclamations: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Agnus Dei: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Communion Hymn: 260: O Sons And Daughters
265: Regina Caeli
Final Hymn: 348: There's A Wideness In God's Mercy
Postlude: Voluntary Set 1 No 1 "Andante": Stanley

Music Notes:

John Stanley (1713-1786), born in London, wrote much music,
including three sets of Ten Voluntaries which, when published,
made him the most influential composer of the form, and the
format was often imitated by his contemporaries.

His "Voluntary Set One Number One (1745)" is in four sections
and provides tempos and registrations: (1) Adagio [diapasons],
(2) Andante [trumpet], (3) Lento [swell], (4) Allegro [flute];
in the second and fourth he also indicated that some phrases
were to be "eccho" and therefore both gallery and antiphonal
organ stops will be heard in alternation.

Concert "German Chocolate" - Sat Apr 14, 8 pm
Concert of cantatas by J S Bach (BWV 106), Buxtehude, Weckmann,
Rosenmüller, Johann Christoph Bach, Telemann. Richmond Heights
Collective instrumentalists (Frances Blaker, Sally Blaker, Letitia
Berlin, Mary Elliott, Dawn Kooyumjian, Mary Prout, Paula White,
David Wilson) and soloists (Christina Schiffner, Celeste Winant,
Robin Lee, Richard Mix). Here, in the church. Reception following.
Donation: $15. Info: 510-207-8294.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Music for Easter-1 (Apr 8) Easter

Prelude: Aria in F: Handel
(11) The trumpet shall sound: Handel
Processional Hymn: 266: The Strife Is O'er
Kyrie: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Gloria: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Readings: 551
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: 264: Alleluia Alleluia Give Thanks
(11) Since by man came death: Handel
Acclamations: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Agnus Dei: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Communion Hymn: 263: That Easter Day With Joy Was Bright
(11) I know that my redeemer liveth: Handel
265: Regina Caeli
Final Hymn: 261: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
Postlude: Carillon: Murrill
(11) Hallelujah: Handel

Music Notes:

Thank you to our Choir (Ondine Young, Mary Bulkley, Virginia
Cooke, Gina DeLucchi, Betty DeOrian, Mary Peters, Susan Hernandez,
Roddy Raikow, Shirley Siljeg, Chang Robin Lee, Jordan Fong, Richard Mix)
and Guest Musicians (Phoebe Jevtovic, Marion Rubinstein, Laura
Rubinstein-Salzedo, Sally Blaker, Jonathan Salzedo, Kathryn James Adducci,
Julie Jeffrey, Ann Callaway) for their dedication this past week.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Concert "___"

First Friday Concert
Apr 6, 2007
11:15 am


Sunday, April 1, 2007

Music for Lent-6-C (Apr 1) Palm-Passion

Prelude: -none-during-Lent--SILENCE--
Palm Blessing: 517
Processional Hymn: 244: All Glory Laud And Honor
Kyrie: Missa XI (orbis factor): chant
Gloria: -none-during-Lent-
Readings: 521; gospel 524
Intercessions: 138: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: 250: O Sacred Head Surrounded
Acclamations: (5) 185: Missa XVIII (simplex): chant
Missa XI (orbis factor): chant
Agnus Dei: (5) 187: Missa XVIII (simplex): chant
Missa XI (Orbis factor): chant
Communion Hymn: 311: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Final Hymn: -none-
Postlude: -none-during-Lent--SILENCE--

Liturgical Notes:

General Instruction of the Roman Missal (2003 GIRM # 45):
"Even before the celebration itself, it is commendable that
silence be observed in the church, in the sacristy, in the
vesting room, and in adjacent areas, so that all may dispose
themselves to carry out the sacred action in a devout and
fitting manner.”

Thank you for helping fellow parishioners to honor this rubric.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Music for Lent-5-C (Mar 25)

Prelude: -none-during-Lent--SILENCE--
Processional Hymn: 353: What Wondrous Love Is This
Kyrie: Missa XI (orbis factor): chant
Gloria: -none-
Readings: 516 (Gospel 514)
Intercessions: 138: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: 28: Be Merciful O Lord
(11) Super flumina: Lassus
Acclamations: (5) 185: Missa XVIII (simplex): chant
Missa XI (orbis factor): chant
Agnus Dei: (5) 187: Missa XVIII (simplex): chant
Missa XI (orbis factor): chant
Communion Hymn: 449: I Am The Bread Of Life
Final Hymn: 465: Forgive Our Sins
Postlude: -none-during-Lent--SILENCE--

Music Notes:

Orlando di Lassus (c1532-1594) was a Franco-Flemish composer of late Renaissance music. Along with Palestrina he is today considered to be the chief representative of the mature polyphonic style of the Franco-Flemish School, and he was the most famous and influential musician in Europe by the end of his life.

His setting of Psalm 136/137:1 "Super flumina Babylonis, illic sedimus et flevimus, dum recordaremur tui, Sion" (By the waters of Babylon, we sat down and wept, when we remembered you, O Sion) captures well the mood (the musings of a people in exile) and character of the text (movement of the flowing water, sitting down, weeping).

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Music for Lent-4-C (Mar 18) Laetare

Prelude: -none-during-Lent--SILENCE--
Processional Hymn: 297: I Want To Walk As A Child Of The Light
Kyrie: Missa XI (orbis factor): chant
Gloria: -none-during-Lent-
Readings: 513 (Gospel 511)
Intercessions: 138: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: 240: Hosea
(11) King of glory, king of peace: Herbert/Bach
Acclamations: (5) 185: Missa XVIII (simplex): chant
Missa XI (orbis factor) Sanctus: chant
Agnus Dei: (5) 187: Missa XVIII (simplex): chant
Missa XI (orbis factor): chant
Communion Hymn: 27: The Cry Of The Poor
Postcommunion: 404: Christ Be Beside Me
Final Hymn: 342: Amazing Grace
Postlude: -none-during-Lent--SILENCE--

Music Notes:

This weekend at the 5 pm Vigil Mass, the Music is led
by the School Choir (directed by Rebecca Monson).

We have reached the mid-point of our Season of Lent, having
completed three weeks, with three weeks remaining. The Lenten
rubrics indicate that the organ remain silent except on Laetare
Sunday and Solemnities and Festive days and at any time to accompany
singing. Today is "Laetare Sunday", so named from the opening word
of the Introit (Isaiah 66:10-11 and Psalm 121:1): "Laetare Jerusalem
(Rejoice Jerusalem)". The special signs of joy (flowers, rose vestments,
greater use of instruments) permitted this day encourage us in our
course through this season of penance.

"King of Glory, King of Peace" combines an English poem by
George Herbert (1593-1632) with music by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750).

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Music for Lent-3-C (Mar 11)

Prelude: -none-during-Lent--SILENCE--
Processional Hymn: 239: The Glory Of These Forty Days
Kyrie: Missa XI (orbis factor): chant
Gloria: -none-during-Lent-
Readings: 510 (Gospel 508)
Intercessions: 138: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: (11) Salvator mundi: Palestrina
Acclamations: (5) 185: Missa XVIII (simplex): chant
Missa XI (orbis factor): chant
Agnus Dei: (5) 187: Missa XVIII (simplex): chant
Missa XI (orbis factor): chant
Communion Hymn: 356: I Heard The Voice Of Jesus Say
Final Hymn: 348: There's A Wideness In God's Mercy
Postlude: -none-during-Lent--SILENCE--

Music Notes:

The Lenten rubrics indicate that the organ remain
silent except on Laetare Sunday and Solemnities and Festive days
and at any time to accompany singing, hence there are no preludes
or interludes or postludes. The purpose of the silent time before
and after Mass remains the same: it is meant to be used to prepare
for the Sacred Mysteries, and to give proper thanks afterward.
Please help others to pray during Lent!

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-1594) took his last name
from his native town near Rome. He was a choirboy at St Mary Major
in Rome (by 1537); organist at the cathedral in Palestrina (1544);
then held a succession of choirmaster positions: St Peters (1551),
St John Lateran (1555), St Mary Major (1560), privately for
Cdl Ippolito d’Este (1567), St Peters (1571-1594). After his wife
died (1580), he thought about becoming a priest, but instead married
a rich widow (1581) and ran her fur business while continuing his
career as the leading composer of Catholic church music for
unaccompanied choir (~100 Masses, ~375 motets, psalms, etc).

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Apostolic Fathers

Let us now devote our attention to the Apostolic Fathers, that is, to the first and second generations in the Church subsequent to the Apostles. And thus, we can see where the Church's journey begins in history.

Christian Classics Ethereal Library

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Music for Lent-2-C (Mar 4)

Prelude: -none-during-Lent--SILENCE--
Processional Hymn: 413: Tis Good Lord To Be Here
Kyrie: Missa XI (Orbis factor) Kyrie: chant
Gloria: -none-during-Lent-
Readings: 507
Intercessions: 138: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: (5) 232: Somebody's Knocking
(11) Nolo mortem peccatoris: Morley
Acclamations: (5) 185: Missa XVIII Sanctus: chant
(5) 104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Missa XI (Orbis factor) Sanctus: chant
Agnus Dei: (5) 187: Missa XVIII Agnus Dei: chant
Missa XI (orbis factor) Agnus Dei: chant
Communion Hymn: (5) Firmly I Believe And Truly
329: Beautiful Savior
Final Hymn: 423: Lift High The Cross
Postlude: -none-during-Lent--SILENCE--

Music Notes:

The Lenten rubrics indicate that the organ is to remain silent except on Laetare Sunday and Solemnities and Festive days and at any time to accompany singing, hence there are no preludes or interludes or postludes. The purpose of the silent time before and after Mass remains the same: it is meant to be used to prepare for the Sacred Mysteries, and to give proper thanks afterward. Please help others to pray during Lent!

This weekend at the 5 pm Vigil Mass, Lectors are from Grades K and 4 and the Music is led by the School Choir (directed by Rebecca Monson).

Thomas Morley (1577/8-1602) was born in Norwich East Anglia England, the son of a brewer. In his boyhood he was probably a singer in Norwich Cathedral. In the 1570s he studied with William Byrd, the great Elizabethan composer of sacred music. In 1583 he became the Norwich Cathedral master of the choristers. In 1588 he received his bachelor's degree from Oxford, and shortly thereafter was employed as organist at St Paul's in London. He lived for a time in the same parish as Shakespeare, and a connection between the two has long been speculated, though never proven (he did compose a setting of "It was a lover and his lass" from "As You Like It"). His principal contribution to music history is eleven collections of madrigals; he also published instrumental consort music, and keyboard pieces.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Concert "___"

First Friday Concert
Mar 2, 2007
11:15 am


Sunday, February 25, 2007

Music for Lent-1-C (Feb 25)

Prelude: -none-during-Lent--SILENCE--
Processional Hymn: 234: Parce Domine
Kyrie: Missa XI (Orbis factor): chant
Gloria: -none-during-Lent
Readings: 504
Intercessions: 134: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: Lord for thy tender mercy's sake: Farrant
Acclamations: Missa XI (Orbis factor): chant
Agnus Dei: Missa XI (orbis factor): chant
Communion Hymn: 32: Be With Me Lord When I Am In Trouble
Final Hymn: 243: Forty Days And Forty Nights
Postlude: -none-during-Lent--SILENCE--

Music Notes:

During the Penitential Season of Lent, various Church
documents call for changes of our external and internal
dispositions, in order to make more room for God. The
"fasting" from solo organ works provides a silence before
and after Mass; all are encouraged to use the silence to prepare
for the Sacred Mysteries, and to give proper thanks at the end,
without distraction.

During the Season of Lent, every Friday at 11:15 am, we are
offered an opportunity to participate in the ancient (earliest
records date from 300s) devotion "The Stations Of The Cross".

In recent years this Parish devotion time has included a prelude,
processional hymn, and at each station a vocal devotional text
and congregational response and prayer and Stabat Mater hymn verse.

Occasionally, on the First Friday that occurs during Lent, as part
of the devotion, we have presented special music of merit to
accompany a short period of silent meditation upon the devotional
text and prayer otherwise spoken at each station. This year we offer:

First Friday, March 2, 2007, at 11:15 am
Franz Liszt "Via Crucis" (The Way of the Cross) for choir and organ

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Music for OT-7-C (Feb 18)

Prelude: Reflective Processional: Mawby
Processional Hymn: 350: Lord Of All Nations
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: (5) Gloria: Anderson
Gloria de Lourdes: Lecot/Berry
Readings: 598
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 335: Seek Ye First
(11) Alleluia: Thompson
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Agnus Dei: 108: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Communion Hymn: 357: You Are Mine
Final Hymn: (5) 404: This Day God Gives Me
300: All Creatures Of Our God And King
Postlude: Festal Recessional: Mawby

Music Notes:

This weekend at the Sat 5 pm Vigil Mass, the Music is led by
the School Choir (directed by Rebecca Monson).

Mid-week is Ash Wednesday and the character of our liturgies
changes: the Gloria is suspended except for Solemnities;
the Alleluia is not used from Tue Feb 20 after Compline
(Night Prayer) until well after sunset Sat Apr 7 (Easter Vigil).
Therefore, sing heartily today, particularly the Gloria and Alleluia!

Ira Randall Thompson (1899-1984) born in New York, attended
Harvard (1916-22), American Academy (Rome, 1922-25), U Rochester (PhD 1933);
taught at Wellesley College, UC Berkeley, Curtis Institute, U Virginia,
Princeton, Harvard. He wrote few instrumental (3 symphonies, 2 string
quartets, misc other pieces) but many choral works.

His Alleluia (1940) was commissioned by Serge Koussevitsky and
Boston Symphony Orchestra trustees to premiere at the inaugural
session of the Berkshire Music Festival (Tanglewood MA). Written
July 1-5, the composer distributed it 45 minutes before the performance
(July 8) to chorus and conductor. The latter reassured his charges:
"Well, text at least is one thing we won't have to worry about."

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Music for OT-6-C (Feb 11)

Prelude: Prelude in Eb: Webb
Processional Hymn: 400: God Is Here
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: Gloria de Lourdes: Lecot/Berry
Readings: 595
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: (NCAB p 185) Jesu Joy Of Man's Desiring: Bach
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Agnus Dei: 108: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Communion Hymn: 359: Blest Are They
Final Hymn: 287: To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King
Postlude: Postlude in A: Webb

Music Notes:

George James Webb (1803-1887) born in Wiltshire (near Salisbury)
England; was organist in Falmouth then emigrated (1830) to Boston.
Organist of Old South Church (almost 40 years), and Church of the
New Jerusalem. He collaborated with Lowell Mason (1792-1872) in a
number of enterprises (from 1832): founded Boston Academy of Music;
prepared first edition of "The Boston Academy Collection"; published
at least ten sacred and secular collection. Independently, he published
"Scripture Worship (1834)" and tune books and pedagogical texts;
was president of the Boston Handel and Haydn Society which published
"The Massachusetts Collection of Psalmody (1840)" to which he
contributed 99 tunes. He spent his last years in Orange NJ.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Music for OT-5-C (Feb 4)

Prelude: Offertoire: Guilmant
Processional Hymn: 376: Two Fishermen
Kyrie: -spoken-
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Gloria: (5) Gloria: Anderson
Gloria de Lourdes: Lecot/Berry
Readings: 592
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: (5) Open My Eyes Lord
Holy, Holy, Holy: Tchaikovsky
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Agnus Dei: 108: Mass of Creation: Haugen
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Communion Hymn: 378: Lord When You Come
Postcommunion: (5) Jesus You Love Us
Final Hymn: (5) Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart
318: Let All Things Now Living
Postlude: Sortie: Guilmant

Music Notes:

Felix-Alexandre Guilmant (1837-1911) was born in Boulogne-sur-mer
France to a family of organists and organ builders; began studies
with his father; 1849- St Nicholas sub-organist, College Mariette
studying harmony, counterpoint, fugue, piano, violin, viola;
1853- St Joseph organist; 1857- St Nicholas choirmaster, Boulogne
Conservatory teacher; 1860- Brussels Conservatory studied with
Jacques Lemmens; taught privately, gave inauguration concerts
(1861 Arras Cathedral, 1862 St Sulpice Paris, 1865 Carmelite Church
Kensington London, 1868 Notre Dame Paris, 1890 St Vivien Rouen).
Moved to Paris; 1871-1901 La Trinite organist; 1879-97 Trocadero
Palace recital series popularized organ music of all historical
periods and countries; 1879-1904 concert tours in Europe and USA;
1894- Schola Cantorum co-founder and teacher (Gregorian chant,
counterpoint, organ); 1896- Paris Conservatory organ instructor;
1902- Notre Dame honorary organist. Composed 400+ pieces (organ,
piano, harmonium, solo instruments, small ensembles, organ and
orchestra, solo voice, choir).

The prelude and postlude are from his Opus 65 L'organiste Liturgique,
a ten-volume collection of pieces intended for liturgical use.
Both use a Gregorian chant melody which is used on Feb 2
(The Presentation Of The Lord) to sing the antiphon text Luke 2:32
("Lumen ad revelationem gentium, et gloriam plebis tuae Israel",
"A light for revelation to the gentiles, and glory for your people