Sunday, July 30, 2006

Music for OT-17-B (Jul 30)

Prelude: Fantasia: Pachelbel
Processional Hymn: 319: Father We Thank Thee Who Hast Planted
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 135: Angels and Saints: Janco
Readings: 627
Offertory: 432: Shepherd Of Souls In Love Come Feed Us
Acclamations: 140-141-145: Angels and Saints: Janco
Agnus Dei: 146: Angels and Saints: Janco
Communion Hymn: 387: The Harvest Of Justice
Post-Communion: (11) What A Friend We Have: Scriven/Converse
Final Hymn: 321: Now Thank We All Our God
Postlude: Chromatic Fugue: Pachelbel

Music Notes:

Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706) was born in Nuremberg Germany.
He attended Universities in Altdorf and Regensberg, then went to
Vienna and worked as deputy organist (1671-3 Imperial Chapel,
1673-6 St Stephen Cathedral), then moved several more times,
working as organist in: Eisenach (1677 Court); Erfurt (1678-90
Protestant Predigerkirche, during which wife and child died of
plague in 1683, then remarried and had 7 children); Stuttgart
(1690-2 Wurttemberg Court, then left due to threat of French
invasion); Gotha (1692-5 town organist); Nuremberg (1695-1706
St Sebald). He had close connections with J S Bach's parents
(they selected him to be godfather to a daughter, and music teacher
to a son). J S Bach had access to his music and admired his work.
Wrote: motets, spiritual songs, Masses, Magnificats, sacred concertos,
harpsichord suites, sets of variations, various instrumental works,
~250 organ pieces.

Liturgical Notes:

General Instruction of the Roman Missal (2003 GIRM # 45):
"Even before the celebration itself, it is commendable that silence
be observed in the church, in the sacristy, in the vesting room,
and in adjacent areas, so that all may dispose themselves to carry out
the sacred action in a devout and fitting manner."

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Music for OT-16-B (Jul 23)

Prelude: Voluntary # 4 in G minor: Boyce
Processional Hymn: 849: The King of Love (vv 1-2-5-6)
Kyrie: spoken
Gloria: 135: Angels and Saints: Janco
Readings: 624
Offertory: 356: I Heard The Voice Of Jesus Say
Acclamations: 140-141-145: Angels and Saints: Janco
Agnus Dei: 146: Angels and Saints: Janco
Communion Hymn: 344: Shepherd Me O God
Post-Communion: (11) Ave Verum Corpus: Mozart
Final Hymn: 348: There’s A Wideness In God’s Mercy
Postlude: Voluntary # 5 in D major: Boyce

Music Notes:

William Boyce (1711-1779), born in London, the youngest of four
children of a cabinet-maker. St Paul Cathedral Chorister under Charles
King (1687-1748), then pupil of Maurice Greene (1695-1755), and Johann
Christoph Pepusch (1667-1752) who was one of the more influential
foreign composers and teachers flourishing in England at the time.
Despite hearing loss from age 24 which worsened over his lifetime,
had remarkable career: Oxford Chapel organist (Vere Street 1734-36);
Chapel Royal composer (1736-); St Michael organist (Cornhill 1736-38);
Cambridge graduate (PhD Music 1749); All Hallows organist (Thames
Street 1749-69); Master of the King's Music (1755); Chapel Royal organist
(1758-79). The collection of English Cathedral Music started by Greene
(left unfinished at death) was willed to Boyce, who completed and published
it in several volumes (1760-78); reprinted and added to until 1849; it is
the first publication of English church music in score form (Soprano,
Alto, Tenor, Bass voice parts on a page) rather than in part form
(each part in a separate book). His own compositions include: services,
anthems, oratorios, symphonies, chamber music, opera, theater music.
His "Ten Voluntaries" were published posthumously (c1779-1793);
each is in two sections.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Music for OT-15-B (Jul 16)

Prelude: Voluntary # 3 in A minor: Greene
Processional Hymn: 267: Lord You Give The Great Commission
Kyrie: spoken
Gloria: 135: Angels and Saints: Janco
Readings: 621
Offertory: 373: Here I Am Lord
Acclamations: 140-141-145: Angels and Saints: Janco
Agnus Dei: 146: Angels and Saints: Janco
Communion Hymn: 375: The Summons
Post-Communion: Voluntary # 2 in F minor: Greene
(11) Children's Prayer: Humperdinck
Final Hymn: 374: Go Make Of All Disciples
Postlude: Voluntary # 1 in A major: Greene

Music Notes:

Through the Summer months we will be singing Mass of the
Angels and Saints by Steven R Janco.

During July, music leadership at Mass: Saturday Vigil 5 pm
(cantor Betty DeOrian), Sunday 8:30 am (cantor Chang "Robin" Lee),
Sunday 11 am (choir members, as their vacation plans permit).

Maurice Greene (1695-1755) born in London, was a chorister
at St Paul Cathedral; took organ lessons (1710) and became
organist at St Dunstan in the West (1716) then at St Andrew
(1717); appointed Master of the King's Band (1718); published
40 anthems (1743); inherited a large estate (1750) which
enabled him to work on a collection of Cathedral music with
publication in mind but it was left incomplete and finished
by William Boyce (c1710-1779). His "Twelve Voluntaries" were
published posthumously (1799-80) by John Bland. Each of these
twelve voluntaries is in two complementary sections (a slower
section followed by a faster section): Number One (Andante-Vivace),
Number Two (Largo-Andante), Number Three (Largo-Andante).

Sunday, July 9, 2006

Music for OT-14-B (Jul 9)

Prelude: Voluntary in G: Linley
Processional Hymn: 395: In Christ There Is No East Or West
Kyrie: spoken
Gloria: 135: Angels and Saints: Janco
Readings: 618
Offertory: 358: There Is A Balm In Gilead
Acclamations: 140-141-145: Angels and Saints: Janco
Agnus Dei: 146: Angels and Saints: Janco
Communion Hymn: 311: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Post-Communion: (11) The Prayer: Sager/Foster
Final Hymn: 298: Praise To You O Christ Our Savior
Postlude: Trumpet Voluntary in A: Linley

Music Notes:

Through the Summer months we will be singing Mass of the
Angels and Saints by Steven R Janco.

During July, music leadership at Mass: Saturday Vigil 5 pm
(cantor Betty DeOrian), Sunday 8:30 am (cantor Chang "Robin" Lee),
Sunday 11 am (choir members, as their vacation plans permit).

Francis Linley (1771(4?)-1800), born in Doncaster England,
was blind from birth, nonetheless carved out for himself a
successful career as organist, publisher, composer.

While living in Pentonville (named after Member of Parliament
(MP) Henry Penton, but now unrecognizable, a suburb of London),
he was organist at St James Chapel (near Grimaldi Park) and
some time music agent for John Watlen of Edinburgh.

Later, in London, he was owner of the third of at least five
consecutive businesses to publish and sell music at 45 High Holborn:
(1) John Bland "music seller, engraver, printer and publisher"
(c1778-95) who claimed to be the first music printer to publish
singly the works of Handel and other celebrated composers;
(2) succeeded by Lewis, Houston and Hyde "music sellers" who went
bankrupt 4 Feb 1797;
(3) succeeded by Linley "music seller and publisher" who purchased
in March 1797 the stock and business of 12,000 engraved plates;
(4) succeeded by William Hodsoll "music seller" (1798-1831);
(5) succeeded by Z T Purday "publisher" (at least through 1840).

During his ownership, Linley added volumes 17-20 to the collection
"Bland's Collection of Divine Music". After he sold the business,
he emigrated to America (1798-99), but then returned to Doncaster
England. Among his own published works are a collection of organ
voluntaries, a harpsichord tutor, and "A practical introduction
to the organ" (Opus 6, 9th ed, c1800).

Sunday, July 2, 2006

Music for OT-13-B (Jul 2)

Prelude: Jig: Selby
Processional Hymn: 463: The King Of Glory
Kyrie: spoken
Gloria: 135: Angels and Saints: Janco
Readings: 615
Offertory: 468: Healer Of Our Every Ill
Acclamations: 140-141-145: Angels and Saints: Janco
Agnus Dei: 146: Angels and Saints: Janco
Communion Hymn: 450: Song Of The Body Of Christ
Post-Communion: (11) Christ's Peace: Ridge
Final Hymn: 305: Praise To The Lord
Postlude: A Fuge or Voluntary: Selby

Music Notes:

Through the Summer months we will begin singing Mass of the Angels
and Saints by Steven R Janco.

During July and August at the 5 pm Vigil and 8:30 am Sunday Masses,
our Cantors (Betty DeOrian, Chang "Robin" Lee) continue to lead the music.
At the 11 am Mass, the Choir is officially "on holiday", but members are
still present as their vacation plans permit!

William Selby (1738-1798) emigrated from England to Newport RI
(1771/4?), went to Boston MA (1776/7?), became organist at present-day
King's Chapel and composed music, became a storekeeper during the
Revolutionary War, resumed organist duties (1783), became active as
impressario and teacher. "Ode to Independence" by Thomas Dawes
(1757-1825) was set to music by Selby and performed (1787) at the
Chapel "by a select company of singers". Among his achievements is
one of the first Sacred Concerts ever to be given in Boston.