Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Visit-Revisit: Benedict XVI Audience Saint Gregory The Great
Holy See English
Papal Archive
Benedict XVI

Wed 28 May 2008
A biography of Pope Gregory. Nothing was mentioned about music!

A partial translation:
A complete translation:

Wed 4 Jun 2008
A selection of writings by Pope Gregory. Nothing about music.

A partial translation:
A complete translation:

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


It is frowned upon to display emotions
temper, passion, indignation, umbrage.
It is perfectly acceptable to provoke these displays.
We focus on the response, not the provocation.
Why not focus on the provocation as well, if not more so?

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Music for OT-8-A (May 25) Corpus Christi

Prelude: Ecce Panis (Opus 65 Book 6): Guilmant
Processional Hymn: 256: At The Lambs High Feast We Sing
Kyrie: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Gloria: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Readings: 575
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: 432: Shepherd Of Souls In Love Come Feed Us
(11) Lauda Sion: Buxtehude
Sanctus/Mem/Amen: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Agnus Dei: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Communion Hymn: 850: Adoro Te Devote
Final Hymn: 306: Holy God We Praise Thy Name
Postlude: Deo Gratias (Opus 65 Book 10): Guilmant

Music Notes:

This weekend the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ supersedes the Sunday Vigil/Day of Ordinary Time (Week 8).

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper): Qui manducat carnem meam, et bibit sanguinem meum, in me manet, et ego in eo, dicit Dominus (He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him, says the Lord).

Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) wrote the Sequence text "Lauda Sion". It summons all to endless praise of the Blessed Sacrament (lines 1-15); assigns the reason for the commemoration of its institution (lines 16-30); gives in detail the Catholic doctrine of the Sacrament (lines 31-62); shows the fulfillment of ancient types (lines 63-70); prays the Good Shepherd to feed and guard us here and make us sharers of the Heavenly Table hereafter (lines 71-80).

The Prelude by Alexandre Guilmant (1837-1911) presents the chant melody (Ecce panis angelorum / Factus cibus viatorum / Vere panis filiorum / Non mittendus canibus (Behold this bread of Angels / which hath become food for us on our pilgrimage / it is truly the bread of God's children / let it never be thrown to dogs). The Offertory sung by the choir presents a portion of the text set by Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707).

Thank you to all who attended the Spring Choral Concert; it was a pleasure to see such a large audience to balance the large number of musicians (25 voice St David Of Wales Festival Choir, 50 voice Contra Costa Chorale, 15 instrument chamber orchestra).

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Music for OT-7-A (May 18) Trinity

Prelude: Aria (1945)(opus 51a): Flor Peeters
Processional Hymn: 280: Come Now Almighty King
Kyrie: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Gloria: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Readings: 572
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: 281: Holy Holy Holy
(11) God so loved the world: Goss
Sanctus/Mem/Amen: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Agnus Dei: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Communion Hymn: 278: How Wonderful The Three In One
Final Hymn: 279: O God Almighty Father
Postlude: Festival Voluntary (1957)(opus 87 no 1): Flor Peeters

Music Notes:

This weekend the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity
supersedes the Sunday Vigil/Day of Ordinary Time (Week 7).

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper):
Benedicimus Deum caeli, et coram omnibus viventibus confitebimur
ei; quia fecit nobiscum misericordiam suam (Let us bless the God
of heaven and utter his praises before all who live; for he has
dealt with us according to his mercy).

Saint David of Wales Festival Choir
Galileo Project and Friends (chamber orchestra)
Contra Costa Chorale
"Music For Two Choirs"
Gabrieli, Schutz, C T Pachelbel, J Pachelbel, Vivaldi

Sat May 17 @ 7:30 pm
Unitarian Universalist Church
(1 Lawson Road, Kensington 94707)

Sun May 18 @ 3 pm
Saint David of Wales Catholic Church
(5641 Esmond Avenue, Richmond 94805)

Suggested donation: $20/general, $15/seniors/students/disabled

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Music for Easter-8-A (May 11) Pentecost

Prelude: Deux strophes sur Veni Creator Spiritus: Guilmant
Processional Hymn: 276: Come Holy Ghost
Kyrie: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Gloria: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Readings: vigil 569, day 570, Sequence
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: 267: Lord You Give The Great Commission
(11) Stetit Jesus: Handl
Sanctus/Mem/Amen: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Agnus Dei: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Communion Hymn: 273: Veni Creator Spiritus
265: Regina Caeli
Final Hymn: 369: God's Blessing Sends Us Forth
Postlude: Fete de la Pentecote Offertoire: Guilmant

Music Notes:

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper):
Factus est repente de caelo sonus advenientis spiritus vehementis,
ubi erant sedentes, alleluia; et repleti sunt omnes Spiritu Sancto,
loquentes magnalia Dei, alleluia, alleluia (Suddenly, a sound came
from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, in the place where they
were sitting, alleluia; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit,
and announced the great things God had done, alleluia, alleluia).

Saint David of Wales Festival Choir
Galileo Project and Friends (chamber orchestra)
Contra Costa Chorale
"Music For Two Choirs"
Gabrieli, Schutz, C T Pachelbel, J Pachelbel, Vivaldi

Sat May 17 @ 7:30 pm
Unitarian Universalist Church
(1 Lawson Road, Kensington 94707)

Sun May 18 @ 3 pm
Saint David of Wales Catholic Church
(5641 Esmond Avenue, Richmond 94805)

Suggested donation: $20/general, $15/seniors/students/disabled

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Music for Easter-7-A (May 4) Ascension

Prelude: Organ Symphony # 4 (m3) Andante Cantabile: Widor
Processional Hymn: (5) 421: Immaculate Mary
852: At The Name Of Jesus
Kyrie: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Gloria: (5) Gloria: Anderson
Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Readings: 565
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: (5) 414: On This Day O Beautiful Mother
374: Go Make Of All Disciples
(11) Amepaa, amepaa, Juu Mbinguni
Sanctus/Mem/Amen: (5) 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Agnus Dei: (5) 187: Missa XVIII (simplex): chant
Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Communion Hymn: 330: We Remember
(5) Hail Mary Gentle Woman (gr 1)
265: Regina Caeli
Final Hymn: 269: Hail The Day That Sees Him Rise
Postlude: Organ Symphony # 4 (m6) Finale: Widor

Music Notes:

This is the weekend after First Friday; at the Saturday 5 pm
Vigil Mass, the School Choir (directed by Rebecca Monson) leads
Music, and School Grade One students are Lectors. Grade One also
honors Our Blessed Mother with a procession of flowers, a procession
of symbols, a Hymn ("Hail Mary Gentle Woman").

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper):
Data est mihi omnis potestas in caelo et in terra, alleluia;
euntes, docete omnes gentes, baptizantes eos in nomine Patris,
et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, alleluia, alleluia (All power
has been given to me in heaven and on earth, alleluia; go
therefore and teach all the nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, alleluia,

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Friday, May 2, 2008

Concert "English Organ Voluntaries IV"

First Friday Concerts
May 2, 2008
11:15 am

English Organ Voluntaries IV

Edward F Teixeira, organ

xxx...Boyce ()
xxx...Croft ()
xxx...Greene ()

School Mass
