Thursday, November 30, 2006

USCCB Ordo 2007

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Music for OT-34-B (Nov 26) Christ The King

Prelude: Avant-propos: Lloyd
Processional Hymn: 444: Alleluia Sing To Jesus
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 113: Glory To God: Andrews
Readings: 678
Offertory: (11) (NCAB p 201) King of glory: Herbert/Bach
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Agnus Dei: 108: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Communion Hymn: 353: What Wondrous Love Is This
Final Hymn: 852: At The Name Of Jesus
Postlude: Sortie: Lloyd

Music Notes:

This weekend the liturgical year comes to a close;
it is an appropriate moment to thank members of the parish
(and friends) who have sung with us during the past year:
Director (Ondine Young), Sopranos (Mary Bulkley, Ann Callaway,
Virginia Cooke, Gina DeLucchi, Betty DeOrian [cantor]), Mary Peters),
Altos (Susan Hernandez, Sue Jones, Roddy Raikow, Shirley Siljeg),
Tenors (Jordan Fong, Chang Hyun "Robin" Lee [cantor],
Brendan O'Brine, David Ryther), Basses (Asher Davison,
Richard Mix [cantor], William Skeen).

"King of Glory, King of Peace" is the result of W H Harris
combining poetry and music: George Herbert (1593-1632) was born
in Montgomery Wales, and became a poet, orator, and Church of
England minister who wrote a collection of poems entitled
"The Temple (1633)" in which is found the text entitled "Praise";
J S Bach (1685-1750) harmonized the hymn tune to "Jesu, meine
Herzens Freud" (BWV 361, "Jesus my heart's joy").

Richard H Lloyd (1933-), born near Manchester England,
attended: Lichfield Cathedral (1942-47 chorister), Rugby School
(music scholar), Jesus College Cambridge (organ scholar).
Held posts at: Salisbury Cathedral (assistant organist),
Hereford Cathedral (organist and master of choristers),
Durham Cathedral (1974-85 organist), Salisbury Cathedral
(school). Now divides his time between examining and composing.
The prelude and postlude bear French titles: Avant-propos
("preface") is a gentle introspective piece; Sortie ("exit,
departure") is confident and march-like with opportunities for
melodic fragments to be played on the gallery Fanfare Trumpet.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Music for OT-33-B (Nov 19)

Prelude: Jesu meine Zuversicht & Erbarm dich mein: Bach
Processional Hymn: 315: Sing A New Song
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: (5) Gloria Gloria: Anderson
113: Glory To God: Andrews
Readings: 675
Offertory: (5) In The Day Of The Lord
847: Immortal, Invisible
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Agnus Dei: 108: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Communion Hymn: 450: Song Of The Body Of Christ
Final Hymn: 318: Let All Things Now Living
Postlude: Plein jeu & Fugue sur le trompette: Couperin

Music Notes:

At the Sat 5 pm Vigil Mass, the Music is led by the School
Choir (directed by Rebecca Monson). This weekend Richard Mix
is organist for all three weekend Masses; I am "on holiday".
Ed Teixeira, organist

J S Bach (1685-1750), "the supreme arbiter and lawgiver
of music" as Baker's Dictionary defines his name, spent the
second half of his career at St Thomas' in Leipzig, where he
completed a cycle of some 198 surviving cantatas for the 3 year
lectionary cycle. A famous improvisor, he only published one
volume of organ music; that we have many more compositions in
manuscript form is thanks to his activity as a teacher of his
children as well as pupils from all of Germany. Two such works
are the hymn-based preludes "Jesu meine Zuversicht" (BWV 728,
"Jesus Christ my Sure Defense") and "Erbarm dich mein" (BWV 721,
a paraphrase of Psalm 51, the introit for Ordinary Time XXXIII:
"Have mercy on me, Lord, according to your loving kindness").
It is not clear whether Bach actually corresponded with the
Parisian Francois Couperin (1668-1733) (the family tradition
of the latter's descendants has it that the letters were used
as jam-pot lids in the 1830's) but he was certainly aware of his
music, some of which he copied by hand. The "Plein jeu & Fugue sur
le trompette" heard as today's postlude are drawn from Couperin's
"Messe pour les couvents" (Agnus & Kyrie, respectively), published
when he was twenty years old.
Richard Mix, deputy organist

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Music for OT-32-B (Nov 12)

Prelude: Allegro Pomposo: Adams
Processional Hymn: 388: God Whose Purpose Is To Kindle
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 113: Glory To God: Andrews
Readings: 672
Offertory: 27: The Cry Of The Poor
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Agnus Dei: 108: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Communion Hymn: 437: Taste And See
Final Hymn: 405: God Of Day And God Of Darkness
Postlude: Grand Choeur: Adams

Music Notes:

Thomas Adams (1850-1918) was born in England, and was
one of many composers to contribute to the large volume of
organ music composed for concert performances and church
services in the 1800s. The prelude and postlude are part
of an unbroken strand of English "Romantic Era" music even
found in the present day. His music is easy on the ears,
and his stylistic characteristics clearly reflect his
Victorian age.

Sunday, November 5, 2006

Music for OT-31-B (Nov 5)

Prelude: Adagio: Becker
Processional Hymn: (5) Saints Of God
310: Sing Praise To God Who Reigns Above
Kyrie: -spoken-
(11) Missa De Angelis: chant
Gloria: (5) Glory To God: Anderson
113: Glory To God: Andrews
Readings: 669
Offertory: (5) I will call upon the Lord
351: Where Charity And Love Prevail
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
(11) Missa De Angelis: chant
Agnus Dei: 187: Agnus Dei: chant
(11) Missa De Angelis: chant
Communion Hymn: 429: You Satisfy The Hungry Heart
Final Hymn: 312: Sing Of The Lord's Goodness
Postlude: Christus, der ist mein Leben: Becker

Music Notes:

This weekend at the 5 pm Vigil Mass, the Music is led
by the School Choir; and Lectors are from Grade Seven.

Carl Ferdinand Becker (1804-1877), born in Germany;
studied piano, harmony, composition; in Leipzig, became
organist at Petrikirche (1825) then Nikolaikirche(1837-54);
organ professor (1843-56) at Leipzig Conservatory from its
founding as requested by Felix Mendelssohn; collaborator on
Robert Schuman's "Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik (New Journal
for Music)"; drew attention to 16c and 17c music. A music
collector, writer, bibliographer, editor; his extensive
library of music scores and theoretical works attracted
musical scholars of his time, he donated it (1856) to the
City Library of Leipzig where it remains to this day.

His chorale "Christus der ist mein Leben" sets the 1609
hymn tune of Melchior Vulpius (c1560-1615); the hymn text
by an unknown German poet adapts the Song of Simeon (Nunc
dimittis), here translated: "Christ is my life, to die is
my gain, to him I surrender myself, with joy I depart.
With joy I depart from here to Christ, my brother, so that
I may come to him and be with him for ever. Now I have
overcome affliction, suffering anxiety and distress; through
his five holy wounds I am reconciled with God. When my
strength breaks, my breathing becomes difficult and I can no
more say a word: Lord, accept my sighs! When my heart and
thoughts fade away like a light, that must flicker here and
there as the flame fails: then gently and calmly, Lord, let
me fall asleep according to your plan and wish, when the hour
of my death comes. And let me stick to you like a burr to
cloth and live forever with you in heaven's joy and bliss.
Amen, that you will, Christ, grant mercifully! Arm me with
your spirit so that I may go blessedly."