Sunday, July 27, 2008

Music for OT-17-A (Jul 27)

Prelude: Toccata in G (BuxWV 164): Buxtehude
Processional Hymn: 402: All People that On Earth Do Dwell
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 113: Mass for Congregations: Andrews
Readings: 626
Offertory: 388: God Whose Purpose Is To Kindle
(11) Exaltabo te: A Scarlatti
Sanctus/Mem/Amen: 117-118-119: Peoples Mass; Danish Mass
Agnus Dei: 188: Holy Cross Mass: Isele
Communion Hymn: 335: Seek Ye First
Final Hymn: 321: Now Thank We All Our God
Postlude: Fugue in C (BWV 946): Bach

Music Notes:

Thank you to Richard Mix for playing the organ this weekend
to permit me to take a "weekend away".

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper):
Simile est regnum caelorum homini negotiatiori, quaerenti bonas
margaritas; inventa una pretiosa margarita, dedit omnia sua, et
comparavit eam (The kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant
seeking fine pearls; having found one of great worth, he went and
sold all that he had, and he bought it).

It was Dietrich Buxtehude's (1637-1707) playing at the
Marienkirche in the north-German city of Lübeck that was the
object of the young J S Bach's famous pilgimage in 1705-6.
Records from Arnstadt show that after completing the round
trip of 500 miles on foot he was severely reprimanded for
overstaying his leave, but this visit had a profound impact
on his writing. The fugue in C major is one of Bach's most
Handelian compositions; opinion is divided over whether it
was intended for organ or pedal harpsichord, a common practice
instrument in the days before power organ blowers.

The prolific opera composer Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725)
(father of the keyboard composer Domenico) was born in Sicily
but divided his career between the Neapolitan court, and Santa
Maria Maggiore in Rome where he wrote many oratorios as well as
a cappella motets in the old style.

Richard Mix, deputy organist

Thursday, July 24, 2008

French Organ Music from the Revolution to Franck and Widor

French Organ Music from the Revolution to Franck and Widor
Ed. by Lawrence Archbold & William J Peterson.
pp. xiii+323. 'Eastman Studies in Music', v.
(University of Rochester Press, NY, 1996. $79 ISBN 1-878822-55-1)

Review: [untitled]
William J. Gatens
Music & Letters, Vol. 78, No. 2 (May, 1997), pp. 296-298
Published by: Oxford University Press

laptop 737411.pdf

here are some review fragments that are intrestesting to me ...


not a comprehensive, connected history of the
period but, rather, an ordered collection of eleven
essays, some of them on highly selective topics.
The only composers whose works are discussed at
any length are Boely, Franck, Guilmant and
Widor, and even here the approach is selective.
Apart from the works of Franck, the emphasis is
on organ works based on plainchant: Boely's
organ Masses, Guilmant's liturgical pieces and
Widor's Symphonie romane. The other exception is
a discussion of Boely's set of fourteen preludes
Op. 15 (1847) on noels by the sixteenth-century
poet Nicolas Denizot.


Benjamin Van Wye's
'Organ Music in the Mass of the Parisian Rite to 1850 with
Emphasis on the Contributions of Boely'
is a revision of an article that first appeared in L'Orgue
(Nos. 229 & 230 (1994)).
The author begins by explaining that
French churches had their own form of the
liturgy, and that this Neo-Gallican tradition persisted
until it was replaced by the uniform Roman
liturgy about 1850, the result of the ultramontane
movement. Van Wye begins by collating the Mass
Ordinary chants of the Parish Gradual (1738) with
their Roman equivalents. Later he lists and
discusses organ Mass publications from Michel Corrette (1756)
to Alexandre-Charles Fessy (1845).
Special attention is devoted to the Mass
composition of Alexandre-Pierre-Francois Boely
(1785-1858), dating from between 1834 and 1848.
Boely stands apart for his cultivation of the classic
French style and for his interest in the works of
J S Bach at a time when they were otherwise
neglected in France. The following essay,
'Boely's Quatorze Preludes usr des cantiques de Denizot, op.15,
and the Creation of a French "Christmas" Orgelbuchlein'
by Craig Cramer, examines the chief instance of
Boely's emulation of Bach.


The next two essays--
'"Why Should we not Do the Same with our Catholic Melodies?":
Guilmant's L'Organiste Liturgiste, Op. 65'
by Edward Zimmerman and Lawrence Archbold, and
'Widor's Symphonie romane'
by Lawrence Archbold--
are concerned with the use of plainsong in organ music,
and especially with the stylistic changes what followed
from the reforms of Solesmes. Each essay is concerned with
a relatively small portion of its composer's output, and,
since a good deal of the prose consists of descriptive
analysis of the music, readers will want to have scores handy.


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Music for OT-16-A (Jul 20)

Prelude: Nobilmente: Quentin Thomas
Processional Hymn: 403: Gather Us In
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 113: Mass for Congregations: Andrews
Readings: 623
Offertory: 320: Come Ye Thankful People Come
(11) x
Sanctus/Mem/Amen: 117-118-119: Peoples Mass; Danish Mass
Agnus Dei: 188: Holy Cross Mass: Isele
Communion Hymn: 468: Healer Of Our Every Ill
Final Hymn: 360: Bring Forth The Kingdom
Postlude: Joyful Recessional: Rosalie Bonighton

Music Notes:

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper): Acceptabis sacrificium iustitiae, oblationes et holocausta, super altare tuum, Domine (You will accept a sacrifice of righteousness, oblations and burnt offerings, placed on your altar, O Lord).

Quentin Thomas (1972-) was organ scholar at Hertford College Oxford, and studied composition and conducting at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama (London). He is active as composer, conductor, organist, repetiteur (singer coach and piano player for opera production rehearsals), and teacher at Oratory School (Catholic all boys boarding school founded by Cdl John Henry Newman in Woodcote Berkshire).

Rosalie Bonighton (1946-) born in Ballarat Australia, completed her Bachelor of Music from the University of Melbourne, and Master of Arts (Music) at La Trobe University in composition (thesis: Contemporary Liturgical Music and the Composer). She is a part-time teacher, organist and music director at St John the Evangelist Church (Ballarat), and composes for both professional and amateur performers.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Music for OT-15-A (Jul 13)

Prelude: Aria: Tambling
Processional Hymn: 323: For The Beauty Of The Earth
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 113: Mass for Congregations: Andrews
Readings: 620
Offertory: 319: Father We Thank Thee Who Hast Planted
(11) x
Sanctus/Mem/Amen: 117-118-119: Peoples Mass; Danish Mass
Agnus Dei: 188: Holy Cross Mass: Isele
Communion Hymn: 45: Your Love Is Never Ending (Psalm 136)
Final Hymn: 292: Canticle Of The Sun
Postlude: Tuba Tune: Tambling

Music Notes:

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper): Passer invenit sibi domum, et turtur nidum, ubi reponat pullos suos; altaria tua Domine virtutum, Rex meus, et Deus meus; beati qui habitant in domo tua, in saeculum saeculi laudabunt te (The sparrow has found herself a home, and the turtledove a nest in which to lay her young; at your altars, O Lord of hosts, my King and my God! Blessed are they who dwell in your house, they shall praise you for ever and ever).

Christopher Tambling (1964-) attended (1976-82) Christ's Hospital School (founded 1552 by King Edward VI) and was organ scholar at St Peter's College Oxford. In Scotland (1991-), he was conductor of Perth Symphony Orchestra, Perth city organist, choirmaster and music director at Trinity College Glenalmond. In England (1995-), he is Director of Music at Downside School and Master of the Schola Cantorum of Downside Abbey. Composed: musicals, pieces for organ, service music, several books of arrangements and anthems for choirs, music theory resource book.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Music for OT-14-A (Jul 6)

Prelude: Prelude in Db major (opus 19 no 1): Paine
Processional Hymn: 847: Immortal Invisible God Only Wise
Kyrie: -spoken-
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Gloria: 113: Mass for Congregations: Andrews
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Readings: 617
Offertory: 359: Blest Are They
(11) O taste and see: Sullivan
Sanctus/Mem/Amen: 117-118-119: Peoples Mass; Danish Mass
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Agnus Dei: 188: Holy Cross Mass: Isele
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Communion Hymn: 356: I Heard The Voice Of Jesus Say
Final Hymn: 309: Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee
Postlude: Star Spangled Banner "Finale" (opus 4): Paine

Music Notes:

This weekend (Sunday after First Friday) at 11 am our Mass
setting will be Missa VIII "de angelis" (chant).

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper):
Gustate et videte, quoniam suavis est Dominus; beatus vir,
qui sperat in eo (O taste and see how gracious the Lord is;
blessed is the man who trusts in him).

John Knowles Paine (1839-1906) born in Portland ME of musical
family (grandfather made musical instruments for the military and
built one of the first church organs in Maine, father kept a music
store in Portland and organized and directed its first band).
Received early musical training in piano, harmony, organ;
1857 debut as organist; 1858 to Berlin Germany to study with Haupt,
Tescher, Wieprecht; frequently gave organ recitals (first critically
acclaimed American organist). 1861 returned to USA, recognised
as a leading American organist; settled in Boston; organist at
Old West Church. Long associated with Harvard U (1861 instructor
of music history, harmony, counterpoint; 1869 honorary MA;
1873 assistant professor; 1875 first American professor of music),
and also taught at Boston U and New England Conservatory of Music.
1890 PhD (Yale). 1896 co-founder of American Guild of Organists.
Composed pieces in every major genre; surviving organ works include
"Star Spangled Banner Concert Variations (July 1861)" with the theme
and five variations (finale is a fugue).

Friday, July 4, 2008

Concert "Patriotic Hymns And Liturgical Interludes"

First Friday Concerts
July 4, 2008
11:15 am

Patriotic Hymns And Liturgical Interludes

Edward F Teixeira, organ

Scores at
A Century of American Organ Music (1776-1876) edited by Barbara Owen. Four Volumes.
Wesley, God Save the King with New Variations (WL700018) Our Price: 8.00
Thayer, God Save the King [Variations] (WL700024) Our Price: 10.00
Paine, The Complete Organ Works, Volume 1, Previously Published Compositions (WL600038) Our Price: 25.00
Janzer, Intrada and Trumpet Tune on National Hymn (WL700021) Our Price: 8.00