Sunday, March 30, 2008

Music for Easter-2-A (Mar 30) Divine Mercy

Prelude: Drei Tonstucke fur die Orgel (op 22 no 2) Allegretto: Gade
Processional Hymn: 252: Come Ye Faithful Raise The Strain
Kyrie: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Gloria: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Readings: 552
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: 328: We Walk By Faith
(11) Magnificat: Pachelbel
Sanctus/Mem/Amen: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Agnus Dei: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Communion Hymn: 260: O Sons And Daughters
265: Regina Caeli
Final Hymn: 348: There's A Wideness In God's Mercy
Postlude: Drei Tonstucke fur die Orgel (op 22 no 1) Moderato: Gade

Music Notes:

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper):
Mitte manum tuam, et cognosce loca clavorum, alleluia:
et noli esse incredulus, sed fidelis, alleluia, alleluia
(Stretch forth you hand, and feel the place where the nails
were, alleluia; and be not doubtful but believing, alleluia,

On Sun May 18 at 3 pm the Saint David of Wales Festival Choir will be
joined by the Contra Costa Chorale here in the church to present
a concert. Among the several pieces for double-choir and organ and
chamber orchestra are settings of the Magnificat, one by Johann
Pachelbel (1653-1706) whose name is readily associated with a
"Canon in D", and another by a son Charles Theodore Pachelbel
(1690-1750). The former is presented this weekend in anticipation
of the Solemnity of the Annunciation (this year transferred from
Tue Mar 25 to Mon Mar 31).

Niels Wilhem Gade (1817-1890) was born in Copenhagen Denmark;
in Leipzig (1843-48) was Gewandhaus conductor; in Copenhagen (1848-)
was organist, Musik-Verein conductor, court conductor. Among his
19 organ pieces is "Drei Tonstucke fur die Orgel (1851, Opus 22)".

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter Vigil Videos

I have been informed that some Easter Vigil videos are available for viewing.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Music for Easter-1-A (Mar 23) Easter Day

Prelude: Organ Symphony IV in F (op 13 no 4) Andante Cantabile: Widor
Processional Hymn: 266: The Strife Is O'er
Kyrie: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Gloria: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Readings: 551
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: 264: Alleluia Alleluia Give Thanks
(11) O death...But thanks: Handel
Sanctus/Mem/Amen: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Agnus Dei: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Communion Hymn: 263: That Easter Day With Joy Was Bright
265: Regina Caeli
Final Hymn: 261: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
Postlude: Organ Symphony IV in F (op 13 no 4) Finale: Widor

Music Notes:

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper):
Pasca nostrum immolatus est Christus, alleluia: itaque
epulemur in azymis sinceritatis et veritatis, alleluia,
alleluia, alleluia (Christ, our Pascal Lamb, has been
sacrificed, alleluia; therefore, let us keep the feast
by sharing the unleavened bread of uprightness and truth,
alleluia, alleluia, alleluia).

Charles Marie Widor (1844-1937), born in Lyon France,
lived in Paris and worked as St Sulpice organist (1870-1934)
and Conservatory professor (organ 1890–, composition 1896-);
wrote operas and songs, orchestral and chamber music; famed
for his ten organ symphonies which followed the orchestral
symphony multi-movement plan and explored the many tonal
possibilities of the St Sulpice organ (finished 1863 by
Cavaille-Coll, mechanically advanced, largest of the time,
5 manuals, 102 stops). Organ Symphony IV in F (opus 13 no 4,
1887) is in six movements: the third is our Prelude and the
sixth is our Postlude.

Thank you to our Choir for their dedication to their ministry
this past week: Director (Ondine Young); Sopranos (Mary Bulkley,
Virginia Cooke, Gina DeLucchi, Betty DeOrian [cantor], Mary Peters,
Rosetta Solari); Altos (Norma Hernandez, Susan Hernandez [cantor],
Roddy Raikow, Sarah Roske, Shirley Siljeg, Allison Villarante);
Tenors (Jordan Fong, Chang Hyun Robin Lee [cantor], Matthew McGuire,
Michael Torres); Basses (Richard Mix [cantor], William Skeen).

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Holy Week -- Holy Saturday

800 am Rehearsal

830 am Morning Prayer

800 pm Choir Rehearsal

900 pm Vigil

Friday, March 21, 2008

Holy Week -- Good Friday

12 nn Stations of the Cross

1 pm Liturgy

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Holy Week -- Holy Thursday

7 pm Liturgy

Adoration until midnight

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Holy Week -- Spy Wednesday

7 pm Penance Service

Communal Liturgy of the Word
Private Confessions

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Music for Lent-6-A (Mar 16) Palm-Passion

Prelude: -none-during-Lent--SILENCE--
Palm Blessing: 517
Processional Hymn: 244: All Glory Laud And Honor
Gloria: -none-during-Lent-
Readings: 520 (gospel 521)
Intercessions: 138: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: 250: O Sacred Head Surrounded
Sanctus/Mem/Amen: Missa XVIII (simplex): chant
Agnus Dei: Missa XVIII (simplex): chant
Communion Hymn: 311: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Final Hymn: -none-
Postlude: -none-during-Lent--SILENCE--

Music Notes:

The official church music for members of the
assembly (congregation) at Mass are the chanted
Ordinary (Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Dei).

There are eighteen sets of Ordinary chants; parishioners
of St David are familiar with four (VIII de angelis,
XI orbis factor, XVII salve, XVIII simplex)!

This week, on Palm-Passion Sunday and on Holy Thursday,
the Sanctus and Agnus Dei we sing are the shortest and
simplest chants from among these sets (XVIII);
this Sanctus dates from the 1200s, and this Agnus Dei
dates from the 1100s.

In 1974, these two were included in a selection of chants
(Jubilate Deo) accompanying a letter by Pope Paul VI
to all the bishops in the world; its contents echoed the
Vatican II directives to ensure that the faithful are able
to chant together in Latin those parts of the Ordinary
of the Mass which pertain to them.

These chants express our unity, not only with Catholics back
through the centuries, but also with all in the many nations
at the present moment, and into the future, especially with
those who enter the Church through our own parish at the
Easter Vigil.

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper):
Pater, si non potest hic calix transire, nisi biban illum:
fiat voluntas tua (Father, if this cup cannot pass away
unless I drink it, thy will be done).

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Music for Lent-5-A (Mar 9)

Prelude: -none-during-Lent--SILENCE--
Processional Hymn: (5) We Are The Church
449: I Am The Bread Of Life
Kyrie: Missa XI (orbis factor): chant
Gloria: -none-during-Lent-
Readings: 514
Intercessions: 138: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: 232: Somebody's Knockin' At Your Door
(11) Adoramus te: Palestrina
Sanctus/Mem/Amen: (5) 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
(11) Missa XI (orbis factor): chant
Agnus Dei: Missa XI (orbis factor): chant
Communion Hymn: 242: Tree Of Life
Post-Communion: 240: Hosea
Final Hymn: 348: There's A Wideness In God's Mercy
Postlude: -none-during-Lent--SILENCE--

Music Notes:

This is the weekend after First Friday. Saturday 5 pm Vigil
Mass: Lectors are from Grade 6 and the Music is led by the School
Choir (directed by Rebecca Monson).

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper):
Videns Dominus flentes sorores Lazari ad monumentum,
lacrimatus est coram Iudaeis, et clamabat: Lazare,
veni foras: et prodiit ligatis manibus et pedibus,
qui fuerat quatriduanus mortuus (When the Lord saw the sisters
of Lazarus in tears near the tomb, he wept in the presence
of the Jews and cried: "Lazarus, come forth". And out he came,
hands and feet bound, the man who had been dead for four days).

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Music for Lent-4-A (Mar 2)

Prelude: -none-during-Lent--SILENCE--
Processional Hymn: 342: Amazing Grace
Kyrie: Missa XI (orbis factor): chant
Gloria: -none-during-Lent-
Readings: 511
Intercessions: 138: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: 297: I Want To Walk As A Child Of The Light
(11) Ave verum corpus: Byrd
Sanctus/Mem/Amen: (5) 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
(11) Missa XI (orbis factor): chant
Agnus Dei: Missa XI (orbis factor): chant
Communion Hymn: 849: The King Of Love My Shepherd Is
Final Hymn: 423: Lift High The Cross
Postlude: -none-during-Lent--SILENCE--

Music Notes:

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper):
Lutum fecit ex sputo Dominus, et linivit oculos meos:
et abii, et lavi, et vidi, et credidi Deo (The Lord made
some clay with his spittle, and he spread it over my eyes;
and I went forth, I washed myself, I began to see, and I
put my faith in God).

William Byrd (1534-1623) was born in England, and
remained Catholic during the religious turbulence under
Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I, Elizabeth I. The last,
ignoring his religion, granted him a monopoly of printing
music-paper and music.

The 1300s text ("Ave verum corpus, natum de Maria Virgine,
vere passum, immolatum in cruce pro homine, cujus latus
perforatum unda fluxit sanguine: esto nobis praegustatum in
mortis examine. O dulcis, O pie, O Jesu fili Mariae, miserere
mei. Amen.")(Hail true body born of the Virgin Mary, truly
suffered, sacrificed on the cross for man, from whose pierced
side blood and water flowed: be our food in our final trial.
O sweet, O kind, O Jesus, son of Mary, have mercy on me. Amen.)
was a source of meditation for Byrd; he reflected on "the very
sentences" as he composed "diligently and earnestly turning them
over in his mind"; he revised his music at least twice before
his final 1605 version.