Prelude: When I am laid in earth: Purcell
Processional Hymn: 388: God Whose Purpose Is To Kindle
Penitential Rite: -spoken-
Gloria: 113: Glory To God: Andrews
Readings: 668
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: (score p 11) Out of the deep: Rutter
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Agnus Dei: 108: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Communion Hymn: 295: We Are The Light Of The World
Final Hymn: 397: They'll Know We Are Christians
Postlude: The Triumphing Dance: Purcell
Music Notes:
Henry Purcell (c1659-1695) was born in London England,
the son of a court musician. In his youth he was a Chapel
Royal chorister, and later the holder of continuing royal
appointments until his death. He also was organist (1679-)
at Westminster Abbey. Among his compositions was music for
dramas; the prelude and postlude are transcriptions of two
pieces from his opera "Dido and Aeneas (1689)".
John Rutter (1945-) born in London England, received his first
musical training as a chorister at Highgate School; studied music
at Clare College (Cambridge) where he wrote his first published
compositions and conducted his first recordings; Director of Music
at Clare College (1975-79); formed Cambridge Singers as a
professional chamber choir primarily dedicated to recording; divides
time among composing, conducting, lecturing (concert halls,
universities, churches, music festivals, conferences) in Europe,
Scandinavia, North America. Honorary Fellow of Westminster Choir
College Princeton (1980); Fellow of the Guild of Church Musicians
(1988); Lambeth Doctorate of Music (1996). Compositions: large and
small choral works, orchestra and instrumental pieces, piano concerto,
two children's operas, television music. "Out of the deep" is from his
"Requiem (1985)".