Prelude: -silence-during-Lent-
Palm Blessing: 517 (gospel 519-C)
Hosanna: Berry
(11) Palm Sunday Antiphons: Schubert
Introit: 244: All Glory Laud And Honor
Kyrie: -none-
Gloria: -none-during-Lent-
Readings: 521 (gospel 524)
Psalm: (Lent-6-C Guimont p 46) My God My God why ...
Acclamation: (Lent-6-C TCBOGA p 26) Christ became obedient ...
Intercessions: 138: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: 250: O Sacred Head Surrounded
Sanctus-Mem-Amen: Missa XI (orbis factor): chant
Agnus Dei Missa XI (orbis factor): chant
Communion Hymn: 311: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Final Hymn: -none-
Postlude: -silence-during-Lent-
Music Notes:
Palm Sunday Antiphons: Hosanna filio David; benedictus qui
venit in nomine Domini. Rex Israel; Hosanna in excelsis.
(Hosanna to the Son of David, the King of Israel. Blessed
is he who comes in the name of the Lord. King of Israel;
Hosanna in the highest.) Pueri Hebraeorum, portantes ramos
olivarum, obviaverunt Domino, clamantes et dicentes: "Hosanna
in excelsis". (The children of Jerusalem welcomed Christ the
King. They carried olive branches and loudly praised the Lord:
"Hosanna in the highest") Pueri Hebraeorum vestimenta prosternebant
in via, et clamabant dicentes: "Hosanna filio David; benedictus
qui venit in nomine Domine". (The children of Jerusalem welcomed
Christ the King. They spread their cloaks before him and loudly
praised the Lord: "Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who
comes in the name of the Lord!")
Sun 11 am Mass the Gospel is chanted, with choir singing crowd
parts composed by Orlande de Lassus (1530-1594).
Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper):
(Mt 26:42) Pater, si non potest hic calix transire,
nisi bibam illum; fiat voluntas tua (Father, if this
cup cannot pass away unless I drink it, thy will be done).