Sunday, August 6, 2006

Music for OT-18-B (Aug 6) Transfiguration

Prelude: Prelude in A minor: Marcello
Processional Hymn: 847: Immortal Invisible
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 135: Angels and Saints: Janco
Readings: 756
Offertory: 413: Tis Good Lord To Be Here
Acclamations: 140-141-145: Angels and Saints: Janco
Agnus Dei: 146: Angels and Saints: Janco
Communion Hymn: 311: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Post-Communion: (11) Psalm 97 The Lord is King: Purcell
Final Hymn: 287: To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King
Postlude: Psalm XIX The Heavens Declare: Marcello

Liturgical Notes:

This weekend the Feast of the Transfiguration (August 6)
supercedes the Sunday Vigil/Day of Ordinary Time (Week 18).

Music Notes:

Benedetto Marcello (1686-1739) was born in Venice Italy
into an aristocratic family, studied music with his father
and with Gasparini (1668-1727); became a lawyer, and held
government jobs in Venice (1703-30), Pola (1730-37), Brescia
(1737-39). He wrote oratorios, operas, cantatas, chamber and
orchestral music, including paraphrases on the First Fifty Psalms
(Estro poetico-armonico (1724-26)). Henry Purcell (c1659-1695)
was born in London England, the son of a court musician. In his
youth he was a Chapel Royal chorister, and later holder of
continuing royal appointments until his death, while also
working as organist (1679-) at Westminster Abbey. He wrote
music for dramas, chamber instruments, and voice.

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