Prelude: (5) Lift up your heads: Kendrick
A Palm Sunday Antiphon: Morgan
Palm Blessing: 517
Processional Hymn: (5) Mantos y Palmas: Avila
244: All Glory Laud And Honor
Readings: 521, gospel 523
Offertory: (5) 246: Jesus Remember Me
250: O Sacred Head Surrounded
Acclamations: (5) Mass of Creation: Haugen
185: Missa XVIII (simplex): chant
Missa XVIII (simplex): chant
Agnus Dei: 187: Missa XVIII (simplex): chant
Communion Hymn: 251: Were You There
Final Hymn: -silence-
Postlude: -silence-
Music Notes:
This weekend (Saturday 5pm Vigil Mass) the music is led by
the School Choir and the lectors are members of Grade Three.
Palm-Passion Sunday starts joyfully with Christ's "triumphant"
but misunderstood entry into Jerusalem recalled through a Blessing
of palms and Antiphon and Gospel and Processional Hymn, but the
liturgy soon becomes somber especially with St Mark's Passion
narrative (at 11 am chanted by Betty DeOrian, Chang "Robin" Lee,
Richard Mix). We use a chant mass setting for its simplicity and
brevity; sheets are in the pews. All are strongly urged to depart
in silence after Mass concludes.
Spy Wednesday (a name better known in England and Ireland than
in America) recalls Judas agreeing to betray Jesus to the chief
priests in exchange for 30 silver pieces; our 7 pm Penance Service
of communal prayers and private confessions is accompanied by English,
French, German, Italian organ works connected with the Lenten Season.
Maundy Thursday (from Latin "mandatum", mandate) recalls the Gospel
command to wash each other's feet and the institution of the Eucharist;
music includes "Ave verum corpus" by William Byrd (1543-1623).
Good Friday music includes St John's Passion narrative chanted by
cantors and choir singing crowd sections by Claudio Monteverdi
(1567-1643), "Crux fidelis" by John IV of Portugal (1604-1656),
"Adoramus te, Christe" by Orlando de Lassus (1532-1594).
Holy Saturday is celebrated with 8:30 am Morning Prayer (cantor,
organ); the 8:30 pm Easter Vigil music is led by choir and organ.
Easter Sunday at 8:30 am, music is led by cantor and organ.
Easter Sunday at 11 am, the liturgy will be enhanced with string
quartet, trumpet, handbells.
Do invite family and neighbors and friends to attend these
central moments of our Redemption and join with us in solemn and
joyous prayer and song.
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