Prelude: Avant-propos: Lloyd
Introit: 27: The Lord Hears The Cry Of The Poor
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 113: Glory To God: Andrews
Readings: 643
Psalm: (OT-22-C Guimont p 141) God in your goodness ...
Acclamation: (OT-22-C Lassus sheet) Take my yoke upon you ...
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 358: There Is A Balm In Gilead
(11) (sheet) Wachet auf
Sanctus-Mem-Amen: 172-175-177: Community Mass: Proulx
Agnus Dei 189: Lamb Of God: Proulx
Communion: 428: O Breathe On Me O Breath Of God
Final Hymn: 321: Now Thank We All Our God
Postlude: Sortie: Lloyd
Music Notes:
Introit Antiphon (Graduale Romanum) (Ps 85:3,5+1)
Miserere mihi Domine, quoiam ad te clamavi tota die; quia a tu
Domine suavis ac mitis es, et copiosus in misericordia ombibus
invocantibus. Ps. Inclina Domine aurem tuam et exaudi me;
quoniam inops et pauper sum ego. (Have mercy on me, O Lord,
for I have called out to you all the day; for you, O Lord,
are good and forgiving and plenteous in mercy to all who call
upon you. Ps. Incline your ear, O Lord, and hear me, for I am
needy and poor.)
Offertory Antiphon (Graduale Romanum) (Ps 39:14,15)
Domine, in auxilium meum respice; confundantur et revereantur,
qui quaerunt animam meam, ut auferant eam; Domine, in auxilium
meum respice. (O Lord, look down in order to help me; let them
be covered with confusion and shame, who seek after my soul to
take it away.)
Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum) (Ps 70:16,17,18)
Domine, memorabor iustitiae tuae solius: Deus, docuisti me a
iuventute mea, et usque in senectam et senium, Deus, ne
derelinquas me (O Lord, I will be mindful of your justice
alone; You have taught me, O God, from my youth; and so,
unto old age and grey hairs, O God, forsake me not).