Prelude: Slow March: Shephard
Introit: 402: All People That On Earth Do Dwell
Kyrie: Deutsche Messe: Schubert
Gloria: Deutsche Messe: Schubert
Readings: 558
Psalm: (Easter-4-C Guimont p 66) We are his people ...
Acclamation: (Easter-4-C Lassus sheet) I am the good ...
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: 849: The King Of Love
(11) (octavo) My Shepherd Will Supply: Thomson
Sanctus-Mem-Amen: Deutsche Messe: Schubert
Agnus Dei Deutsche Messe: Schubert
Communion: 429: You Satisfy The Hungry Heart
265: Regina Caeli
Final Hymn: 258: Alleluia Alleluia Let The Holy Anthem Rise (v=1,3,5)
Postlude: Pastorale: Shephard
Music Notes:
Communion (Graduale Romanum Chant) (Jn 10:14) Ego sum pastor bonus,
alleluia; et cognosco oves meas, et cognoscunt me meae, alleluia,
alleluia (I am the good shepherd, alleluia; I know my sheep and
my own know me, alleluia, alleluia).
Virgil Thomson (1896-1989) born in Kansas City MO, attended Harvard
University, went to Paris and studied with Nadia Boulanger, authored
"The State of Music (1939)", New York Herald-Tribune music critic
(1940-54), was instrumental in the development of the "American Sound"
in classical music so often associated with the patriotic compositions
of Aaron Copland. His research into Southeastern USA shape note tunes,
folk hymns, white spirituals, led to his arrangement of "My Shepherd
will supply my need" (text by Isaac Watts (1674-1748), hymn tune
RESIGNATION from "The Southern Harmony (1835)"). It was incorporated
into his film score for a Department of Agriculture documentary about
the Mississippi River Valley "The River (1937)" freely viewable
online ( (