Prelude: Arietta: Viner
Processional Hymn: 320: Come Ye Thankful People Come
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: (5) Gloria: Anderson
113: Glory To God: Andrews
Readings: 666
Psalm: (Guimont p 164) The Lord has done...
Acclamation: (OT-30-B) Our Savior Jesus Christ...
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 328: We Walk By Faith
(11) (sheet) Bringing In The Sheaves: _
Sanctus/Mem/Amen: (5) 117-118-119: Peoples/Danish: _
172-175-177: Community Mass: Proulx
Agnus Dei (5) 187: Agnus Dei: chant
189: Lamb Of God: Proulx
Communion Hymn: 344: Shepherd Me O God
Final Hymn: 348: There's A Wideness
Postlude: Finale: Viner
Music Notes:
The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper):
(Ps 19:6) Laetabimur in salutari tuo: et in nomine Domini Dei
nostri magnificabimur (We shall rejoice in your salvation;
and in the name of the Lord our God shall we place our pride).
This weekend at the Saturday 5 pm (Vigil) Mass the Music
is led by the School Choir (Rebecca Monson, director).
Alan Viner (1951-) born in Gloucester England, began piano
at age 8, and organ at age 13, attended University of Reading
(Honours Degree 1973), Saint Luke's College Exeter (PGCE 1974),
Royal College of Music (ARCM 1976). He was Organist and
Choirmaster (St Mary's Berkeley, St Nicholas's Hardwicke) and
Head/Director of Music at several schools in Hertfordshire,
Gloucester, Shrewsbury. Since 1989 he teaches privately, composes,
accompanies, and since 1997 is member of the Ellesmere College
(Shropshire) peripatetic team.
The "Arietta" presents a pensive melody weaving above and
below independent accompaniment and pedal, while the "Finale"
is a majestic piece of purposeful stride.