Prelude: Slow March: Shephard
Processional Hymn: 252: Come Ye Faithful Raise The Strain
Kyrie: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Gloria: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Readings: 554
Psalm: (p 62) Lord let your face...
Acclamation: (Easter-3) Lord Jesus open the scriptures...
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: 426: Baptized In Water
(11) Messiah "And with His stripes": Handel
Sanctus/Mem/Amen: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Agnus Dei Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Communion Hymn: 446: In The Breaking Of The Bread
265: Regina Caeli
Final Hymn: 259: I Know That My Redeemer Lives
Postlude: Pastorale: Shephard
Music Notes:
The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper):
Cantate Domino, alleluia; cantate Domino, benedicite
nomen eius; benenuntiate de die in diem salutare eius,
alleluia, alleluia (Sing unto the Lord, alleluia; sing
to Lord, bless his name; proclaim his salvation day
after day, alleluia, alleluia).
Richard Shephard (1949-), born in England, began his career
in Anglican church music at Gloucester Cathedral as a chorister;
attended Corpus Christi College Cambridge as choral scholar;
has held posts at Salisbury Cathedral, Godolphin School, York
Minster. Received Lambeth Degree (2001 DMus); appointed Fellow of
the Royal School of Church Music (2004). Composes anthems and
liturgical settings for choir, pieces for organ.
Messiah (Part Two & Part Three) Sing-Along/Play-Along
Sun May 3 at 5 pm
$5/person, $10/family
Invite family, relatives, neighbors, friends!
Come and listen, or join in!