Sunday, October 26, 2008

Music for OT-30-A (Oct 26)

Prelude: Voluntary in G major (Z 720): Purcell
Processional Hymn: 350: Lord Of All Nations Grant Me Grace
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 113: Mass for Congregations: Andrews
Readings: 665
Offertory: 397: They'll Know We Are Christians
(11) I will love thee (Psalm 18): Purcell
Sanctus/Mem/Amen: 117-118-119: Peoples Mass; Danish Mass
Agnus Dei: 188: Holy Cross Mass: Isele
Communion Hymn: 27: The Cry Of The Poor
Final Hymn: 352: Love Divine All Loves Excelling
Postlude: Trumpet Tune in D: Purcell

Music Notes:

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper): Laetabimur in salutari tuo: et in nomine Domini Dei nostri magnificabimur (We shall rejoice in your salvation; and in the name of the Lord our God shall we place our pride).

Henry Purcell (c1659-1695) was born in London England, the son of a court musician. In his youth he was a Chapel Royal chorister, and later holder of continuing royal appointments until his early death, while also working as organist (1679-) at Westminster Abbey. He wrote music for dramas, chamber instruments, and voice.

"I Will Love Thee, O Lord" is one of several anthems written for his friend, the bass John Gostling (1644-1733). It is the Responsorial Psalm for today set to the Book Of Common Prayer translation (Psalm 18: 1-6,16-18) and uses the word "prevented" (pre-venire) in its old sense ("came before"): (SOLO) I will love thee O Lord, my strength; / the Lord is my stony rock, and my defence: / my Saviour, my God, and my might, in whom I will trust, / my buckler, the horn also of my salvation and my refuge. / I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy, is worthy to be prais'd: / so shall I be safe from mine enemies. (CHOIR) They prevented me in the day of my trouble: but the Lord was my upholder. (SOLO) The sorrows of death compassed me, and the overflowings of the ungodly made me afraid. / The pains of hell came about me: and the snares of death over took me. / In my trouble I will call, will call upon the Lord: and complain unto my God. / So shall he hear my voice out of his holy temple: and my complaint shall come before / him, it shall enter ev'n into his ears. For he shall send down from on high / to fetch me, and shall take me out of many waters. / He shall deliver me from my strongest enemies, and from them which hate me: for / they are too mighty for me. / (CHOIR) They prevented me in the day of my trouble: but the Lord was my upholder.

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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Music for OT-29-A (Oct 19)

Prelude: Voluntary 1.1 in C major (Adagio): Stanley
Processional Hymn: 299: Glory And Praise To Our God
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 113: Mass for Congregations: Andrews
Readings: 662
Offertory: (5) Cares Chorus: Willard
(830) 398: Diverse In Culture Nation Race
(11) Meditabor in mandatis tuis: Lassus
Sanctus/Mem/Amen: 117-118-119: Peoples Mass; Danish Mass
Agnus Dei: 188: Holy Cross Mass: Isele
Communion Hymn: 379: Only This I Want
Final Hymn: 321: Now Thank We All Our God
Postlude: Voluntary 1.1 in C major (Andante): Stanley

Music Notes:

This weekend at the Saturday 5 pm (Vigil) Mass the Music
is led by the School Choir (Rebecca Monson, director).

Orlando di Lassus (c1532-1594) was a Franco-Flemish composer
of late Renaissance music. Along with Palestrina he is today
considered to be the chief representative of the mature polyphonic
style of the Franco-Flemish School, and he was the most famous
and influential musician in Europe by the end of his life.

Offertory Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper): Meditabor
in mandatis tuis, quae dilexi valde; et levabo manus meas ad
mandata tua, quae dilexi (I shall meditate upon your commandments
which I greatly love; I will extend my hands towards your commandments
which I love).

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper):
Domine Dominus noster, quam admirabile est nomen tuum in
universa terra! (O Lord our governor, how admirable is your
name in all the earth!).

John Stanley (1713-1786), born in London England, wrote much music,
including three sets of Ten Voluntaries which, when published,
made him the most influential composer of the form, and the
format was often imitated by his contemporaries. His Voluntary
Set One Number One (1745) is in four sections and provides tempos
and registrations and indicates that some phrases are to be "eccho"
and therefore both gallery and antiphonal organ stops will be heard
in alternation.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Music for OT-28-A (Oct 12)

Prelude: Triumphal March: Fletcher
Processional Hymn: 403: Gather Us In
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 113: Mass for Congregations: Andrews
Readings: 659
Offertory: 362: The Church's One Foundation
(11) Wachet auf: J S Bach
Sanctus/Mem/Amen: 117-118-119: Peoples Mass; Danish Mass
Agnus Dei: 188: Holy Cross Mass: Isele
Communion Hymn: 377: The Love Of The Lord
Final Hymn: 312: Sing Of The Lord's Goodness
Postlude: Grand Sortie: Fletcher

Music Notes:

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper):
Aufer a me opprobrium et contemptum, quia mandata tua exquisivi,
Domine: nam et testimonia tua meditatio mea est (Remove from
me all scorn and contempt, for I have kept your commandments;
for your law is the object of my meditations).

Andrew Fletcher (1950-) was educated in Birmingham, and at
Keble College (Oxford) where he was organ scholar. At age 20
he became a prize-winning Fellow of the Royal College of
Organists and holds their Choir-Training Diploma and is a Fellow
of the London College of Music in organ performance. He was
Director of Music at St Mary's (Warwick). Since 1985 he has lived
in Birmingham and pursued a free-lance career as teacher of piano,
organ and paperwork, recitalist (England, United States), keyboard
accompanist, composer, arranger. He is presently Director of Music
at St Thomas (Stourbridge), directs the Solihull Choral Society,
President of the Birmingham Organists' Association, Chairman of the
RSCM Area Committee.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Music for OT-27-A (Oct 5)

Prelude: Andante: Stainer
Processional Hymn: (5) All Things Bright And Beautiful
320: Come Ye Thankful People Come
Kyrie: -spoken-
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Gloria: (5) Gloria: Anderson
113: Mass for Congregations: Andrews
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Readings: 656
Offertory: (5) 300: All Creatures Of Our God And King
(11) In salutari tuo: Isaac
Sanctus/Mem/Amen: 117-118-119: Peoples Mass; Danish Mass
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Agnus Dei: 188: Holy Cross Mass: Isele
(11) Missa VIII (de angelis): chant
Communion Hymn: (5) 392: Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace
381: We Have Been Told
Final Hymn: (5) 304: All The Ends Of The Earth
319: Father We Thank Thee Who Hast Planted
Postlude: Prelude and Fughetta: Stainer

Music Notes:

This is the weekend after First Friday. Saturday 5 pm Vigil
Mass: Lectors (Grade 8); Music (School Choir, Rebecca Monson,
dir). Sunday 11 am Mass: chant setting (Missa VIII de angelis).

The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper):
In salutari tuo anima mea, et in verbum tuum speravi: quando
facies de persequentibus me iudicium? iniqui persecuti sunt
me, adiuva me, Domine Deus meus (My soul aspires after your
salvation; I hope in your word; when will you judge those who
persecute me? The wicked are persecuting me; come to my assistance,
O Lord my God).

Henricus Isaac (c1450-1517) probably born in Brabant Flanders
(south Netherlands), had large influence on German music development,
was among most significant contemporaries of Josquin des Pres.
Worked in Innsbruck (court composer to Duke Sigismund of Austria),
Florence (singer at San Giovanni, teacher of future Pope Leo X),
Vienna (court composer to Emperor Maximilian). Wrote masses,
motets, songs, instrumental music.

Sir John Stainer (1840-1901) born in London England, chorister
(1848-), organist (several churches, St Paul Cathedral 1872-1888),
professor (Oxford 1889-).

Friday, October 3, 2008

Concert "Six Pieces"

First Friday Concerts
October 3, 2008
11:15 am

Six Pieces

Edward F Teixeira, organ

Six Pieces (1897)...John Stainer (1840-1901)