Prelude: Drei Tonstucke fur die Orgel (op 22 no 2) Allegretto: Gade
Processional Hymn: 252: Come Ye Faithful Raise The Strain
Kyrie: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Gloria: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Readings: 552
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: 328: We Walk By Faith
(11) Magnificat: Pachelbel
Sanctus/Mem/Amen: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Agnus Dei: Deutsche Messe: Schubert/Proulx
Communion Hymn: 260: O Sons And Daughters
265: Regina Caeli
Final Hymn: 348: There's A Wideness In God's Mercy
Postlude: Drei Tonstucke fur die Orgel (op 22 no 1) Moderato: Gade
Music Notes:
The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper):
Mitte manum tuam, et cognosce loca clavorum, alleluia:
et noli esse incredulus, sed fidelis, alleluia, alleluia
(Stretch forth you hand, and feel the place where the nails
were, alleluia; and be not doubtful but believing, alleluia,
On Sun May 18 at 3 pm the Saint David of Wales Festival Choir will be
joined by the Contra Costa Chorale here in the church to present
a concert. Among the several pieces for double-choir and organ and
chamber orchestra are settings of the Magnificat, one by Johann
Pachelbel (1653-1706) whose name is readily associated with a
"Canon in D", and another by a son Charles Theodore Pachelbel
(1690-1750). The former is presented this weekend in anticipation
of the Solemnity of the Annunciation (this year transferred from
Tue Mar 25 to Mon Mar 31).
Niels Wilhem Gade (1817-1890) was born in Copenhagen Denmark;
in Leipzig (1843-48) was Gewandhaus conductor; in Copenhagen (1848-)
was organist, Musik-Verein conductor, court conductor. Among his
19 organ pieces is "Drei Tonstucke fur die Orgel (1851, Opus 22)".