Readings: 584
Prelude: Slow March: Shephard
Processional Hymn: 281: Holy Holy Holy
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 135: Angels and Saints: Janco
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: x
(11) Enyi dunia yote
Acclamations: 140-141-145: Angels and Saints: Janco
Agnus Dei: 146: Angels and Saints: Janco
Communion Hymn: 376: Two Fishermen
Final Hymn: 369: God's Blessing Sends Us Forth
Postlude: Pastorale: Shephard
Music Notes:Readings are found in the hymnal under the headings
"Sunday A" and "Weekday 2".
The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant Proper):
Venite post me: faciam vos piscatores hominum: at illi, relictis
retibus et navi, secuti sunt Dominum ("Follow me; I will make you
fishers of men." Whereupon they, leaving their nets and their boat,
followed the Lord).
Richard Shephard (1949-), born in England, began his career in
Anglican church music at Gloucester Cathedral as a chorister;
attended Corpus Christi College Cambridge as choral scholar;
has held posts at Salisbury Cathedral, Godolphin School, York
Minster. Received Lambeth Degree (2001 DMus); appointed Fellow of
the Royal School of Church Music (2004). Composes anthems and
liturgical settings for choir, pieces for organ.