Prelude: Prelude in Ab major (opus 21 no 2): Richter
Processional Hymn: 388: God Whose Purpose Is To Kindle
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: 94: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Readings: 655
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 338: How Can I Keep From Singing
(11) (p 134) Let all the angels of God: Handel
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Agnus Dei: 108: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Communion Hymn: 387: The Harvest of Justice
Final Hymn: 412: Jerusalem My Happy Home
Postlude: Prelude in C minor (opus 21 no 1): Richter
Music Notes:
The Communion Antiphon (Graduale Romanum Chant: Memento verbi
tui servo tuo, Domine in quo mihi spem dedisti: haec me consolata
est in humilitate mea) translated (Be mindful of your word to your
servant, O Lord, in which you caused me to hope; this has been my
comfort in my affliction).
Ernst Friedrich Eduard Richter (1809-1879) born in Grosschonau
Saxony Germany, studied in Zittau at the Gymnasium. In 1831 went to
Leipzig to study music with C T Weinlig (Thomaskirche cantor). In 1843
at Leipzig Conservatory founding, became first teacher (with M Hauptmann)
of theory and composition. In 1847 undertook direction of the Singakademie,
and later held several organist posts (Petrikirche 1851-, Neukirche 1862-,
Nikolaikirche 1862-). In 1868 succeeded Hauptmann as Thomaskirche cantor
and musical director of principal churches in Leipzig; taught organ at
Leipzig Conservatory. Wrote articles (many musical subjects) and textbooks
(harmony, theory, counterpoint). Composed pieces for organ, choir.