Prelude: -none-during-Lent--SILENCE--
Processional Hymn: 234: Parce Domine
Kyrie: Missa XI (Orbis factor): chant
Gloria: -none-during-Lent
Readings: 504
Intercessions: 134: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: Lord for thy tender mercy's sake: Farrant
Acclamations: Missa XI (Orbis factor): chant
Agnus Dei: Missa XI (orbis factor): chant
Communion Hymn: 32: Be With Me Lord When I Am In Trouble
Final Hymn: 243: Forty Days And Forty Nights
Postlude: -none-during-Lent--SILENCE--
Music Notes:
During the Penitential Season of Lent, various Church
documents call for changes of our external and internal
dispositions, in order to make more room for God. The
"fasting" from solo organ works provides a silence before
and after Mass; all are encouraged to use the silence to prepare
for the Sacred Mysteries, and to give proper thanks at the end,
without distraction.
During the Season of Lent, every Friday at 11:15 am, we are
offered an opportunity to participate in the ancient (earliest
records date from 300s) devotion "The Stations Of The Cross".
In recent years this Parish devotion time has included a prelude,
processional hymn, and at each station a vocal devotional text
and congregational response and prayer and Stabat Mater hymn verse.
Occasionally, on the First Friday that occurs during Lent, as part
of the devotion, we have presented special music of merit to
accompany a short period of silent meditation upon the devotional
text and prayer otherwise spoken at each station. This year we offer:
First Friday, March 2, 2007, at 11:15 am
Franz Liszt "Via Crucis" (The Way of the Cross) for choir and organ