Prelude: Allegro Moderato in G: Brooksbank
Processional Hymn: 388: God Whose Purpose Is To Kindle
Kyrie: -spoken-
Gloria: Gloria de Lourdes: Lecot/Berry
Readings: 589
Intercessions: -spoken-
Offertory: 351: Where Charity And Love Prevail
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Agnus Dei: 108: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Communion Hymn: 340: Yahweh I Know You Are Near
Final Hymn: 352: Love Divine All Loves Excelling
Postlude: Allegro Moderato in F: May
Music Notes:
Nineteenth-century Britain produced not only a large
amount of organ music for concert performance, but also a
wide range of pieces for church services. Unlike the other
12 pieces in a volume of 14 published Jan 2001, the prelude
and postlude heard this weekend only have associated with
them the composer’s names, and that has lead to an interesting
search for their biographical data. The results are meager:
Oliver Oldham Brooksbank (1859-1934) is identified in the
Scotland Region Highlands 1881 census as a musician.
Charles J May (no dates) was organist and choirmaster
at St James in Hatcham. Additional details have so far eluded
my search efforts.
Although we may know little of these two composers, their music
is easy on the ears, and their stylistic characteristics clearly
reflect their Victorian age.