Prelude: Reflective Processional: Mawby
Processional Hymn: 284: Christ Is The King
Gloria: 94: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Readings: 600
Offertory: 294: I Have Loved You
Acclamations: 103-104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Agnus Dei: 108: Mass of Creation: Haugen
Communion Hymn: 428: O Breathe On Me
Final Hymn: 300: All Creatures Of Our God And King
Postlude: Festive Recessional: Mawby
Liturgical Notes:
This is the last weekend of the short segment of Ordinary Time.
Mid-week the Penitential Season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday
and the character of our liturgies changes: no flowers; no organ
preludes, interludes, postludes; the Gloria is suspended except
for Solemnities; the Alleluia is not said or sung from Tue Feb 28
after Compline (Night Prayer) until well after sunset Sat Apr 15
(Easter Vigil).
Music Notes:
This weekend is the last chance to sing the Gloria and Gospel
Acclamation for about seven weeks; do sing well and strongly at
these moments! On Ash Wednesday (7pm Mass) the choir will sing
the Miserere (Psalm 51) by Gregorio Allegri.
Colin Mawby (1936-) born in Portsmouth England, attended (1946-51)
Westminster Cathedral Choir School in London, from age 12 played
organ to assist its Master of Music (George Malcolm); attended Royal
College of Music (RCM), studied with Gordon Jacob, Adrian Boult,
Malcolm Sargent. He has held various posts: Westminster Cathedral
(1961-78); Sacred Heart Wimbledon; an inner-city London parish;
a suburban parish; provincial cathedral parish. Moved to Ireland
to be Choral Director at Radio Telefis Eireann (RTE); founded (1991)
National Chamber Choir of Ireland; currently resides in a rural
Irish parish. He has written 25 Masses, 5 song cycles, many settings
for choir, pieces for children (2 operas, Christmas cantata), organ
pieces. His music is widely known, extensively published and recorded
(e.g., "The Lord Is My Shepherd (Psalm 23)" is on "Voice of an Angel"
[1998 Sony CD with Charlotte Church]).