Prelude: Nun Komm, der Heiden Heiland: Bach
Processional Hymn: 200: Savior Of The Nations Come
Penitential Rite: Missa XVII (salve): chant
(11) Missa Emmanuel: Proulx
Gloria: -none-during-Advent-
Readings: 487
Intercessions: 115: Lord hear our prayer
Offertory: (11) (ESM p 167) Ave Maria: Desprez
Acclamations: 185: Missa XVIII (simplex) Sanctus: chant
104-105: Mass of Creation: Haugen
(11) Missa Emmanuel: Proulx
Agnus Dei: Missa XVII (salve): chant
(11) Missa Emmanuel: Proulx
Communion Hymn: 191: People Look East
Final Hymn: 211: Of The Father's Love Begotten
Postlude: The King Shall Come: Johnson
Music Notes:
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) planned a set of 164 chorale Preludes which included a set of four for Advent; "Nun Komm, der Heiden Heiland (BWV 599)" is the German equivalent of our Processional Hymn (#200).
David N Johnson (1922-1988) a prolific and highly regarded church music composer, was music department chairman (Alfred University in New York, St Olaf College in Minnesota) and organ department chairman (Syracuse U), professor of music (Arizona State U). Composer of much music for church choirs and organ; author of "Instruction Book of Beginning Organists (1964)" and "Organ Teachers Guide (1971)".
"The King Shall Come (1973)" presents the hymn tune (#193) in A-B-A form: melody as topmost voice with thick chordal harmonic support; melody played by the feet with
toccata-like figurations for the hands; a repeat of the beginning.
Josquin Desprez (c1440-1521) perhaps a native of the Vermandois region of Picardy Italy; sang (1459-72) at Milan Cathedral, cantor (1476) for Galeazzo Maria Sforza, and (1476-1504) for Cardinal Ascanio Sforza, during which he spent some time in Rome.
Went to France, probably at Louis XII court; choirmaster (1503) at Ferrara court; then (1504) in Conde at Notre Dame; maybe at court (1508-11) at Margaret of Austria. Several portraits survive, one attributed to Leonardo da Vinci.
The "Ave Maria" text is: "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you, fair virgin,
Hail to you whose conception, of holy joy, fills heaven and earth with new rejoicing. Hail to you whose birth we celebrated, like the day-star rising, foretelling the true Sun. Hail, holy and humble one, fruitful without a man, you whose annunciation was our salvation. Hail, true virginity, spotless chastity, whose purification cleansed us also. Hail to you who excel in all the angelic virtues, you whose assumption glorified us also. O Mother of God, remember me. Amen."